Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
St. Louis to host day of prayer to implore Mary’s blessing upon nation
September 26, 2012 Catholic News Service ST. LOUIS — St. Louis will host a National Day of Prayer in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary Oct. 6.
Female VP at West Bank university says her new role inspires ambitions
September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service BETHLEHEM, West Bank — Thirty-five years after the first class graduated from Bethlehem University, one of its members became the first woman and Palestinian to hold the Catholic school’s highest academic position.
Cardinal Baldelli, retired head of Vatican court, dies at 77
September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI offered his condolences for the death of Italian Cardinal Fortunato Baldelli, retired head of a Vatican court and a former Vatican diplomat, who died Sept. 20 in Rome at the age of 77.
COMECE protests removal of EU research program’s ethics clause
September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service WARSAW, Poland — A commission representing the European Union’s Catholic bishops protested the removal of an ethics clause from a major EU research program, saying it could encourage funding of research using embryos.
Defending traditional marriage is prophetic, not reactionary, pope says
September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy — Defending traditional marriage is not an expression of backward thinking, said Pope Benedict XVI, but of values essential to the future of humanity.
Albanian Catholics to excommunicate participants in blood feud
September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service SHKODER, Albania — Albanian Catholic leaders warned they would excommunicate anyone involved in the traditional “gjakmarrja,” or blood feud, after complaints of worsening violence.
In budget debate, candidates offer wide contrast in spending priorities
September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service WASHINGTON —Determining what to spend taxpayer money on is being scrutinized this presidential election cycle perhaps more closely than in elections past even as the overriding concerns are jobs and building a robust economy.
Wide-ranging study looks at views of white working-class Americans
September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — A majority of white working-class Catholics – 56 percent – think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, according to a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute.
Catholic Sisters initiate billboard project to call for immigration reform
September 21, 2012 Communities of Catholic Sisters based in Ohio and Kentucky are calling on President Barack Obama and Congress to work together to enact comprehensive immigration reform and state legislators to refrain from passing laws that would restrict the human rights of immigrants.
Book makes important contribution to discussion of lay ministries
In the Name of the Church: Vocation and Authorization of Lay Ecclesial Ministry, edited by William Cahoy. Liturgical Press (Collegeville, Minn., 2012). 221 pp., $19.95.