Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Papal penmen: Pope Benedict’s literary predecessors
VATICAN CITY — The Nov. 21 publication of “Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives,” which completes Pope Benedict XVI’s popular three-volume series on the life and teachings of Christ, is the latest reminder of the author’s prolific output, now amounting to more than 60 books.
Movie review: Rise of the Guardians
NEW YORK — What better way to spend a few hours over the holidays than in the company, not only of Santa Claus himself, but of the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and the Sandman?
Sister Mary Paul Medland
A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Mary Paul Medland was celebrated Nov. 2 in the congregation’s motherhouse chapel.
Sister Mary Carol Wintzinger
A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Mary Carol Wintzinger was celebrated Nov. 5 in the congregation’s motherhouse chapel.
Sister Mary Casilda Obringer
A Mass of Christian Burial for Precious Blood Sister Mary Casilda Obringer was held Nov. 13 at Salem Heights Chapel in Dayton.
Father George Albers
A Mass of Christian Burial for Missionary of the Precious Blood Father George Albers was celebrated Nov. 19 at St. Charles Center in Carthagena.
Sunday Scripture: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe
By Sister Betty Jane Lillie, SC Thirty-Fourth or Last Sunday of Ordinary Time: Daniel 7:13-14; Psalm 93:1-2, 5; Revelation 1:5-8; John 18:33b-37 This glorious feast that is the crown of the liturgical year calls our attention to the ultimate sovereignty of Jesus Christ.
Priest dismissed for supporting women’s ordination
WASHINGTON (CNS) – The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has dismissed Roy Bourgeois from the priesthood because of his participation in the invalid ordination of a woman and “a simulated Mass,” the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers announced Nov. 19. The order said in a …
Bishops OK documents on penance and better preaching, vote down document on economy
By the Catholic News Service And Catholic Telegraph Staff During their annual fall general assembly in Baltimore Nov. 12-15, the U.S. bishops voted down a document on the troubled U.S. economy, passed documents on penance and better preaching, approved a reorganization of their Communications Department and endorsed the sainthood …
Angel Night is back at Calvary Cemetery
DAYTON — Last year¹s Evening of Song and Celebration is back by popular demand, this time in partnership with Carillon Park, and bigger and better than ever!