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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Stewardship Department and the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis are hosting a Year of Faith Giveaway for an iPad Mini. This giveaway, instigated to build on-line engagement on our Archdiocesan Facebook pages and the Being Catholic blog, will run in conjunction with the Advent and Christmas …

Catholic News Service WASHINGTON ( — The Supreme Court will take up in the spring two cases over the constitutionality of same-sex marriage. In orders issued Dec. 7, the court agreed to hear a case over California’s Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage, and one out of New York over …

By The Catholic Telegraph The representatives of 11 Catholic human service agencies will be meeting with local congressional staffers, including that of House Speaker John Boehner, Rep. Steve Chabot and Sen. Rob Portman in the next few weeks to make a case for protecting funds that help maintain the welfare …

Sisters, brothers and priests from throughout the archdiocese who celebrated jubilees in 2012 came together for an annual Mass in their honor at Mount Notre Dame in Cincinnati Oct. 27. Eighty-four jubilarians were invited to participate in the Mass and lunch that followed, and 32 were able to do so. …

DAYTON — In 1993, while serving as pastor of St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Portage, Mich. Marianist Father Thomas A. Stanley, wrote a booklet of flower meditations for the faith community’s Mary Garden. For “The Garden Way of the Cross,” Father Stanley drew upon the religious legends and flower …

By Greg Hartman Last month I discussed meeting Christ in the Eucharist and the meaning of evangelization. I touched on transformation. Many times we have read about the Transfiguration in Scripture. There’s a part of me that has wanted to walk up that mountain and be transfigured, or have that …

By Steve Trosley Mom was certain the world was soon to end.

By Father Earl Fernandes “Are you a faithful citizen?” was a headline on the front page of recent Catholic Telegraph.

By Mike Daley Though we know better, it seems to happen every presidential election cycle.

By Jeanne Hunt It’s early November, and I’m driving a loaner while my car is at the mechanic.