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The Catholic Telegraph
A Letter From Archbishop Schnurr: On The 40th Anniversary Of Roe v. Wade
My dear friends in Christ, The 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the tragic U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion at all stages of pregnancy by judicial fiat, is a sobering and dispiriting occasion. Many of us have spent most or all of our lives fighting to restore a …
Editor’s Note: One year later many challenges remain
By Steve Trosley We begin a 2013 as I mark the completion of my first year as editor of The Catholic Telegraph and my first year as a resident of the greater Cincinnati area. The year ahead looks challenging, and if I had a crystal ball on my desk, I’d …
Agenda For A Year Of Faith: Looking Ahead At Pope Benedict’s 2013
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Fortunetelling, like all occult practices, is strictly taboo at the Vatican; and prophecy is a rare gift among journalists. But Pope Benedict XVI‘s calendar for 2013 is already filling up with planned, probable or possible events. Here are 10 …
Federal Appeals Court says administration must fulfill vow to revise HHS mandate
The conservative online news service, Newsmax, is reporting late Friday that the Washington, D.C., Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Obama administration must follow through on a vow to revise requirements for employers who offer health insurance to fund contraception for employees. Newsmax cited its source as …
Sunday Scripture: God’s promise fulfilled
Fourth Sunday of Advent: Micah 5:1-4; Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45 By Father Timothy P. Schehr The Gospel for this last Advent Sunday brings us very close to the birth of Lord.
Pope beats Justin Bieber in re-tweets
By John Stegeman His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI is still fairly new to Twitter, but the pontiff has already set a record, beating out pop superstar Justin Bieber in re-tweets. Reuters reports that while the Pope still trails Bieber in followers (the Holy Father has 2.1 million followers to Bieber’s …
U-Day nativity exhibit to be open during Christmas week
DAYTON, Ohio — Families and groups looking for a special way to celebrate the holidays can still visit the University of Dayton’s exhibit of Nativities after Christmas Day. “At the Manger: Peace on Earth,” an exhibit of more than 200 Nativities at the University’s Roesch Library, is open through Jan. …
Archdiocese collects $184,707.71 for Hurricane Sandy victims
Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio has sent a check for $184,707.71 to Catholic Charities USA to help victims of Hurricane Sandy.
Local family in need receives special Christmas gift
Two companies teamed up with volunteers from St. Vincent de Paul to give one local struggling family a Christmas to remember.
Clermont County’s Oldest Parish Gets New Upgrade
By John Stegeman STONELICK, Twp. — St. Philomena church in Clermont County has a long and storied history of serving its community and a recent addition to the historic church building demonstrates the parish’s desire to serve its elderly and disabled members. Father Jerry Hiland, who is the …