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The Catholic Telegraph
La Salle High School asks prayers for injured student
La Salle High School has posted the following release asking prayers for one of its students who was injured in an accident. Please keep Justin Brown and his family in your prayers Today is a difficult day at La Salle High School. Justin Brown, a senior, has been involved in …
Coming soon: March edition of The Catholic Telegraph

The March Edition of The Catholic Telegraph, featuring coverage of the historic papal resignation, should hit mailboxes Thursday. This issue, look for the special two-page spread on Pope Benedict XVI‘s resignation beginning on page 12. Coverage includes world leader’s reactions, timeline, photos and more. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr has two letters in this edition. On …
Changing rules, pope allows cardinals to move up conclave date

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In his last week as pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI issued new rules for conclaves, including a clause that allows the College of Cardinals to move up the date for the beginning of the conclave to elect his successor. However, the …
Britain’s ranking cleric Cardinal Keith O’Brien resigns, will skip conclave
Facing allegations of inappropriate relationships and conduct with several priests in the 1980s, Cardinal Keith O’Brien has announced that he sent his resignation in to Pope Benedict XVI some months ago as a result of “indifferent health.” USA Today reports that the 75-year-old Cardinal O’Brien is the leader of the Roman …
Pope Benedict XVI’s last Angelus address: ‘This does not mean abandoning the Church’

Pope Benedict XVI delivered his final Sunday Angelus address before a packed St. Peter’s Square. The pilgrims in attendance interrupted his address with applause more than once and he closed by stressing that his resignation is not an abandoning of the Church. After reflecting on the Gospel of Luke’s account …
US, Holy See cooperation often guided by pope’s vision of just world

By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — During Pope Benedict XVI‘s visit to the White House in 2008, his thoughts turned to the First Amendment and its enshrinement of the free practice of religion. He told President George W. Bush that the idea of religious freedom as expressed …
Pope Benedict changes rituals for new pope’s inauguration
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI has ordered several changes to the Masses and liturgies that will mark the inauguration of the next pope’s pontificate. Rites and gestures that are not strictly sacramental will take place either before a Mass or in a …
St. Joseph Catholic School in OTR, St. James of the Valley were closed for illness Feb. 22
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph UPDATE: Superintendent Jim Rigg confirmed that St. James of the Valley in Wyoming, Ohio was closed Friday, Feb. 22 for the same reason as St. Joseph in Over the Rhine— illness. Officials from St. James of the Valley could not be reached for further …
Former Nobel prize nominee Bishop Gassis of Sudan visits archdiocese, talks human rights
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Bishop Macram Max Gassis, a Comboni Missionary once proposed as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, visited the archdiocese Feb. 15-17 to discuss his work as a human rights advocate in his home country of Sudan. His time in Cincinnati included a …
One of these men will (probably) be the new pope
Curious what Pope Benedict XVI‘s immediate successor will look like? Almost certainly he will be chosen from among the 117 Cardinal-electors pictured below. A cardinal must be below the age of 80 to vote and participate in the conclave. While a person does not need to be a cardinal …