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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Cincinnati City Councilman Chris Seelbach and Xavier University students who started a petition on asking NFL Hall of Famer Anthony Munoz to clarify his personal position on gay rights before he be allowed to serve as the school’s commencement speaker got their way …

TCT Promo May
Staff Report Though the first day of summer isn’t until June, May is the month many start participating in summer activities. With that in mind, the May edition of The Catholic Telegraph includes your complete 2013 Festival Guide, listing all the festivals taking place in the archdiocese this summer. The …

Staff Report The Catholic Telegraph One person’s donation became an archdiocesan treasure on April 12 when Goodwill Industries made a discovery in their Woodlawn store. Goodwill Industries Public Information Officer Michael Flannery discovered a portrait of Archbishop John T. McNicholas O.P. who led the Archdiocese from 1925 to 1950 along …

Archbishop Karl Alter scholarship
Press Release The Office of African American Catholic Ministries, on behalf of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, has announced the 2013-2014 Archbishop Karl J. Alter Scholarship Grant awards. In 1964, Archbishop Karl J. Alter established the Archbishop Alter Scholarship — a four-year grant — to promote African American Catholic leadership among …

Staff Report Already a state of the art, multi-sport facility, Elder High School’s Panther Athletic Complex (PAC) will soon add another element. With a $250,000 grant from alumnus Jack Adam, the school now plans to erect a 500-seat brick stadium. The total cost is expected to be $500,000. The stadium …

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  More than 300 students from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati attended a day-long conference entitled “New Hope for the World: Called by Our Faith to Be Peacemakers” at Xavier University on April 18 to celebrate the landmark encyclical Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) …

XU Peacemakers 01
By Jean Lim For The Catholic Telegraph  How do you see yourself as hope to a world that desperately needs persons of faith to bring it closer to peace? That question was the focus of events at Xavier University on April 18 commemorating the 50th anniversary of Pacem in Terris …

Press Release Ron Quinn, EdD, of Wyoming, associate professor of Sport Studies at Xavier University and head girls’ soccer coach at Seton High School, will receive the Coach of The Year award from the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Women’s Sports Association at its 20th Annual Awards Dinner April 23. Coach …

CJ students at the tree planting for Sister Dorothy Stang
Press Release Tiny seedlings and a prayer service have grown together to form an annual remembrance of Notre Dame de Namur Sister Dorothy Stang, who was killed in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil while protecting the rights of indigenous farm families. Stang was a Dayton, Ohio native but a naturalized …

Deacon Ordination13
Staff Report Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr will ordain 20 permanent deacons and three transitional deacons for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati at 11 a.m., Saturday, April 27 at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish, 2300 S. Smithville Road, Dayton. In the Catholic Church today there are two forms of …