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The Catholic Telegraph
Editor’s Note: With rights come responsibilities we cannot shirk
American journalists have long lobbied for what has become known as a shield law. A shield law would protect reporters and editors from having to reveal sources that have supplied information for stories anonymously, or as those in the business say, without attribution.
Catholic School grads form web development company
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Are you the managing director of your own company yet? Mike Letscher is, and he graduated from St. Xavier High School just last month.
HHS issues final Affordable Care Act mandate rules, compliance extension; USCCB studying
From News Reports and the USCCB The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ 110-page ruling on its health care mandate, released today, requires time for analysis, said Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Cardinal Dolan also expressed gratitude for the five-month …
Senate passes immigration bill; action praised locally
From Catholic News Service and Staff Reports WASHINGTON — The diverse coalition of faith, labor, business and civil rights activists who are trying to rework the nation’s immigration system celebrated the June 27 Senate passage of a massive reform bill.
Pope unveils prayer intentions for July
The Pope’s general prayer intention for July is: “That World Youth Day in Brazil may encourage all young Christians to become disciples and missionaries of the Gospel.” His mission intention is: “That throughout Asia doors may open to messengers of the Gospel.”
Archbishop calls immigration reform debate a ‘defining moment’ for U.S.
By Bill Howard Catholic News Service DENVER (CNS) — The nation’s heated debate over immigration reform this summer is “a defining historical moment for America” and “a moment for national renewal” Los Angeles Archbishop Jose H. Gomez told hundreds of attendees at the closing keynote address of the Catholic Media …
Archbishop Schnurr: While High Court decisions disappointing, neither requires states to change laws barring same-sex ‘marriage’
Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr made the following statement about the U.S. Supreme Court decisions of June 26, 2013. The Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Defense of Marriage Act is deeply disappointing. It means that the federal law government will recognize same-sex “marriages” in states that provide for it, …
Supreme Court decisions on DOMA, Prop 8 called ‘tragic’ by U.S. Bishops

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued a press release in the wake of the Supreme Court’s rulings on DOMA and Prop 8. The full release is included below. USCCB Press Release WASHINGTON—The U.S. Supreme Court decisions June 26 striking down part of the Defense of Marriage Act and …
Supreme Court rules DOMA unconstitutional

Staff Report The Supreme Court of the United States ruled Wednesday morning that the Defense of Marriage Act, better known as DOMA, is unconstitutional. The decision was split 5-4 in the case officially known as U.S. vs. Windsor. More on this topic: Supreme Court decisions on DOMA, Prop 8 called …
Dreams of a father: My hope for my soon to be born son
Bear with me if this column is a bit of a departure from my usual style and topic. I’m a bit preoccupied, you see, as my son is due to be born July 22.