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The Catholic Telegraph
More on the new GCL: Competition, commissioners and rebranding

Staff Report With the news Monday that the Greater Catholic League and Girls Greater Cincinnati League have come together to form a unified Greater Catholic League with three divisions, many had questions about the competition structure, the rebranding and the commissioners who will run the three divisions. The following is …
Breaking News: Archdiocese unveils new look, reorganized GCL

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph A major institution in area high school athletics has been reorganized and rebranded to promote its Catholic identity. The Greater Catholic League, and Girls Greater Cincinnati League have now come under a single umbrella league with three divisions.
St. Maximilian Kolbe- Changing Habits: The Nun Monologues
Saturday, October 5th at 7:30 p.m., St. Maximilian Kolbe invites you to attend “Changing Habits: The Nun Monologues.” Ticket includes presentation and appetizers. A cash bar will aso be available. $20 per person for advance tickets and $25 at the door. We will also be taking an offering for the Little …
Perfection possible, but not on our own
August 2013 I don’t know what time it was on July 2 that Cincinnati Reds pitcher Homer Bailey walked San Francisco Giant’s center fielder Gregor Blanco, but I knew it was coming. My sister, Karyn, and I jinxed it. The walk came in the seventh inning. Bailey was on fire. …
St. Leo Parish welcomes Mission of HOPE Ministry
By Megan Walsh The Catholic Telegraph A Mass at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church sometimes looks more like a UN meeting than anything else. A congregation that is 90 percent refugees and immigrants from East Africa and Guatemala gives it a special flavor and special needs that were served …
Dismas Journey welcomes returning citizens
By Megan Walsh The Catholic Telegraph We’re all sinners in our own way,” said Tony Stieritz, director of the archdiocesan Catholic Social Action Office. “We’re all on this Dismas Journey together.”
Beat the heat with August family activities
Staff Report August brings on some of the hottest days of the year, and it also marks the ending of summer vacation for many students. Take some time this month to engage in activities with the whole family before the children go back to school. Feast of the Assumption The …
Sts. Peter and Paul building Navajo relationship
By Megan Walsh The Catholic Telegraph Janelle Buffalo of the Navajo Native American tribe in Tohatchi, N.M. visited the Archdiocese of Cincinnati in July for three weeks to further build the relationship between her tribe and Sts. Peter and Paul in Redding, Ohio. Beth Pettigrew, Youth Minister at Sts. …
Lay missioners take ‘leap of faith’ after retirement
By Eileen Connelly The Catholic Telegraph Two men with ties to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are spending their retirement years sharing their gifts, wisdom and experience with others as lay missioners. Originally from the Cincinnati area (specifically, Florence, Ky.), Roy Wilmhoff enjoyed a lucrative career as a software design engineer …
New principals gather for ‘boot camp’
Megan Walsh The Catholic Telegraph New principals from Catholic schools throughout the archdiocese came together in late July for the first ever ‘Principal Boot Camp’ coordinated by the archdiocesan Catholic Schools Office. “The weekend was about connecting them with their faith and helping them understand how it impacts their leadership,” …