Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Pope to canonize Blessed John XXIII, John Paul II April 27

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Recognizing that Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II have widespread reputations for holiness and that years of studying their lives and actions have proven their exceptional virtue, Pope Francis announced he would declare his two predecessors saints at a single …
Memories of Lucas still inspiring CJ community

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Through the end of his junior year at Chaminade Julienne High School, 17-year-old Lucas Pfander had maintained perfect attendance. The fact that he’d never missed a day only made his absence at the start of the next school year seem that much larger. On …
Book Review: New catholic agenda detailed for parishes
As facilitator of my parish spiritual book club, I am always looking for books to discuss that promise to inform and inspire. Father Robert Hater’s latest book, The Parish Guide to the New Evangelization: An Action Plan for Sharing the Faith, does both.
Book Review: Pope Francis bio more than dates and names
Few Catholics following the events of the conclave that elected Pope Francis can forget the pontiff’s first public appearance. Standing above St. Peter’s Square, he addressed us as brothers and sisters, and acknowledged the surprise of many that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio had been elected pope.
Need peace in your life? Have yourself a Sunday
Recently, while working in a parish to get the public school kids to sign up for Sunday morning religion classes, a young mom looked at me with a face of a woman about to panic. Overwhelmed, she said, “I can’t manage one more thing. We had three soccer games this …
Dive into intellectual depth of Catholic tradition
As I write this, I am currently attending the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors convention in Dallas. It is a week of formation, learning, friendship and sharing of stories regarding how the work of vocations is going across the country.
What Keeps Me Catholic? — Baptismal Reminders
It’s a sight that fills every cradle Catholic with dread: Walking into church for Mass the first few pews are not only filled, but nicely dressed people are seated in them. Trouble. Something’s not right. Looking more closely the culprit is spied—a baby. Infant Baptism. Are you kidding me? Mass …
SportsLeader helps coaches instill the right values
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Catholic youth athletics and Catholic youth ministry are often two separate entities. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati a major diocesan initiative is underway to help merge those sometimes competing groups into a cohesive unit. In addition to those efforts is the work of an …
Latino outreach coordinator introduces families to Catholic education
By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph If you ask Geraldina Jeronimo, 6, what she likes about the first grade, she will tell you “reading and writing.” When prompted, she adds, “recess.” Geraldina attends Holy Family School in Price Hill and her parents are thrilled she’s there. “It’s very important …
Archdiocese represents church position at immigration event
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Leaders from business, faith and law communities came together Aug. 28 for a pair of roundtable discussions on immigration at the Freedom Center in downtown Cincinnati. The event was sponsored by the Bibles, Badges, and Business (BBB) network, an alliance of conservative business, law …