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The Catholic Telegraph
Fenwick, McNicholas postgame prayer may start new tradition

Staff Report When SportsLeader works with Catholic schools, one of its hopes is to help the school strengthen their Catholic identity. One of the ways SportsLeader does this is by encouraging prayer after athletic contests. Two SportsLeader schools, members Bishop Fenwick and McNicholas, met on the football field Sept. 27. …
Reading Pastoral Region Celebrates their Parishes
Press Release Father David Howard of the Reading Pastoral Region (consisting of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and Sts. Peter and Paul Parishes in Reading, OH) celebrated with parishioners at their first combined picnic on Sunday, September 29, 2013 at Reading’s Koenig Park.
Pope calls for less ‘Vatican-centric,’ more socially conscious church

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In his latest wide-ranging interview, Pope Francis said that he aimed to make the Catholic Church less “Vatican-centric” and closer to the “people of God,” as well as more socially conscious and open to modern culture. He also revealed …
Father Francis H. Niehaus
Reverend Francis “Frank” H. Niehaus passed away on Thursday, September 26, 2013. He was born on July 30, 1929 in Cincinnati. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West in Norwood. He was ordained on May 28, 1955 …
New Project Rachel outreach aims to help others hurt by abortion
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Project Rachel, an outreach ministry of the archdiocesan Family and Respect Life Office, has been ministering to post-abortive women in this archdiocese for nearly 20 years. Its retreats have helped many women return to their faith by sharing with them the message of God’s …
Seminarians experience faith, hospitality in Honduras
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Two local seminarians had the opportunity to experience the faith and hospitality of the Honduran people during a trip to the Central American country from June 24 to Aug. 6. Ethan Moore and Jacob Willig, who are preparing for the priesthood at Mount …
St. Susanna celebrates 75 years
By Eileen Connely, OSU The Catholic Telegraph St. Susanna Parish in Mason marked 75 years as a community of faith during a special Mass on June 30. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presided at the joyous liturgy, assisted by Fathers Robert Farrell, Stephen Lattner, Harry Meyer and John Tonkin.
40 Days for Life underway in archdiocese

Staff Report At least three 40 Days for Life campaigns are underway in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The campaigns, in which pro-lifers stand outside abortion clinics in prayer, began in Cincinnati and Sharonville on Sept. 29 and in Kettering on Sept. 15. The Dayton 40 Days for Life campaign, which …
Pope to canonize Blessed John XXIII, John Paul II April 27

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Recognizing that Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II have widespread reputations for holiness and that years of studying their lives and actions have proven their exceptional virtue, Pope Francis announced he would declare his two predecessors saints at a single …
Memories of Lucas still inspiring CJ community

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Through the end of his junior year at Chaminade Julienne High School, 17-year-old Lucas Pfander had maintained perfect attendance. The fact that he’d never missed a day only made his absence at the start of the next school year seem that much larger. On …