Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
The Rich Young Man’s Struggle

“I’ve done a lot of funerals, and I’ve never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.” – Father Bruce H. Living simply is a stirring in my soul. Among the methods to pare down one’s possessions and activities, there is one that transcends cultural fads and speaks to the heart of …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for September 2023

For people living on the margins We pray for those persons living on the margins of society, in inhumane life conditions; may they not be overlooked by institutions and never considered of lesser importance.
Sisters of the Precious Blood celebrate 100 years in Dayton

DAYTON, Ohio —The Sisters of the Precious Blood are celebrating a century of presence at Salem Heights, located on Salem Avenue, the religious community’s central home since 1923. A celebration Mass will be held Oct. 1 at 2 p.m. at Precious Blood Catholic Church. The Rev. Jeffrey Kirch, CPPS, will …
Hunger to Help

Whether it’s a quick trip through a drive-thru, a heat-and-eat meal or a feast for guests, food is an essential part of our daily lives. Bill Evans, a parishioner of Our Lady of the Rosary in Old North Dayton, always had a passion for food and ensuring no one goes …
Letter Opposing November Amendment

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, On November 7, 2023, Ohioans will have the opportunity to demonstrate how our state views the sacredness of life and the dignity of women. On the November ballot will be a proposed amendment (deceptively named “The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health …
Evangelizing through Art

Learning about a Catholic Arts Center in New York inspired Maureen Teller to create The Angelico Project. Involvement with Chicago’s Catholic Arts Guild prompted Nancy-Carolyn Smith to do the same. They approached the Archdiocese of Cincinnati with a business plan and secured funds to kickstart the non- profit they co-founded—along …
Obituary: Sr. Marietta (Roslee) Fritz, SNDdeN

Sr. Marietta (Roslee) Fritz, a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur, born in Cincinnati, OH , died peacefully on August 12, 2023 at the age of 81 years, in the 60th year of her religious life. Roslee Fritz was born in 1942 into a very devout Catholic family, the third …
Seek the Lord for September 2023

After His death and resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples and sent the Holy Spirit upon them that they might continue His work of preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Through baptism we are incorporated into this mystery. Made partakers in His death and resurrection, we are …
Busca al Senor

Después de su muerte y resurrección, Jesús se apareció a sus discípulos y les envió el Espíritu Santo para que continuaran su obra de predicación de la Buena Nueva del Reino de Dios. Por el bautismo somos incorporados a este misterio. Hechos partícipes de su muerte y resurrección, recibimos el …
Imagine Something New

I’m not a big fan of the unknown. There’s too much, well, unknown about it. I need plans. I have questions. I like to know what I’m getting myself into. I like to be prepared. One way I relieve my anxiety around the unknown is by first imagining myself “doing …