Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Icons connect art and faith
September 2013 By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph St. Gertrude parishioner and artist Jenny Ward has found icons to be a “very direct path to the Lord,” and now hopes the faith of others will also be deepened through the opportunity to learn more about sacred art. Ward became …
Ursuline Sisters’ outreach ministry offers hope
September 2013 By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph LYNCHBURG — It might be a family who has fallen on hard times due to the tough economy and needs assistance with the necessities or one who has lost everything in a fire or flood. Regardless of their situation, residents of …
Book Review: ‘Holy Goals’ a great gift for young athletes
September 2013 If you were a resident of the Diocese of Springfield, Ill., you would be used to a rather unique sight. Your bishop, in that case, would be The Most Reverend Thomas J. Paprocki, and it wouldn’t seem strange to you to see him wearing full hockey goalie gear, …
Bring Jesus Along with September Family Activities
September 2013 Staff Report The kids are back in school, the summer is in the rear-view mirror and football season is on the horizon. September has a slew of opportunities for social engagement with your family. Take some time this month to make sure those engagements are centered on Christ. Tailgating …
Welcoming the seminary’s new men
The Catholic Moment, September 2013 Ah, the dawn of a new school year. By early September, schools have been at the grind for a few weeks; teachers have gotten to know the personality of their student; and students are trying to test new ways of aggravating their teachers! It is …
What keeps me Catholic? Smell, noise, mess, & crazy
What Keeps Me Catholic? September 2013 Recently, in addition to the four classic marks of the church — one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, Pope Francis has offered four other traits for consideration and actualization — smelly, crazy, messy, and noisy. At first glance, for reasons of personal hygiene and social …
Can’t name the 10 commandments? This is pitiful
Catholic Thoughts, September 2013 This is pitiful! Recently, an archdiocesan priest was teaching a class for catechetical certification for teachers and volunteers. The class included 28 Catholic schoolteachers. To change things up a bit, Father thought it would be fun to randomly ask the teachers a few questions of faith. …
Archbishop issues statement of solidarity on immigration
September 2013 Staff Report Five hundred people gathered in Springfield, July 27, asking leaders in the House of Representatives to reform our broken immigration system. People from all over the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, from Columbus and as far away as Lexington and Louisville, Ky. peacefully came together outside House Speaker …
Gearhart to head Springfield Deanery
September 2013 Staff Report Father Edwin F. Gearhart has been appointed Dean of the Springfield Deanery, according to the office of Archbishop Dennis M Schnurr. The appointment is effective from Aug. 1 of this year. There are 10 other deaneries and the terms of the deans are staggered to provide …
Replay: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of The March on Washington
Watch the Replay of the 50th Anniversary of The March on Washington below: