Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Father Thomas Stanley
A Mass of Christian Burial for Marianist Father Thomas Stanley was celebrated Nov. 23 at Queen of Apostles Chapel, Mount Saint John, in Dayton. Father Stanley, 91, a member of the Mercy Siena Woods Community in Dayton, died Nov. 15 in his 73rd year of religious profession. A native of …
Sister Ann Rose Frank
A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Ann Rose Frank was celebrated Nov. 4 in the motherhouse chapel.
Sister Angela Franks
A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Angela Franks was celebrated Sept. 26 at Mount Notre Dame Health Center in Cincinnati.
Sister Catherine Raters
A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of St. Francis Sister Catherine Raters was celebrated Oct. 9 in the motherhouse chapel in Oldenburg, Ind.
Father Francis Niehaus
A Mass of Christian Burial for Father Francis “Frank” Niehaus was celebrated Sept. 28 at Good Shepherd Church in Montgomery.
Father William Kennedy
A Mass of Christian Burial for Father William Kennedy was celebrated Sept. 24 at St. Mary Church in Hyde Park.
Question of Faith: Is it ok to save umbilical blood for stem cell research?
Dear Father: Is it okay for someone to have umbilical blood saved from a live birth to use in stem cell research or attempts to find a cure for diseases like MS? Dear Reader: The answer to your question is “yes.”
Archbishop Schnurr urges participation in Pope Francis’ prayer wave
Report Prayer is powerful. Pope Francis and Caritas Internationalis, along with Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services, later this month are launching a prayer offensive against world hunger. Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr strongly supports this initiative. Here is his statement:
Friars’ mall ministry part of new evangelization

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Some retail outlets began playing Christmas music this year the day after Halloween to remind customers that the shopping days before Christmas were dwindling. Time is running out, they say, to get great last-minute deals on this year’s Tickle-Me-Elmo, ZhuZhu Pet or whatever fad …
Supreme Court will hear cases that challenge ACA contraceptive mandate
Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Nov. 26 to take up two cases that challenge provisions of the Affordable Care Act requiring employers to provide contraceptive coverage on behalf of for-profit companies whose owners object to the mandate for religious reasons. Probably in March, the court …