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The Catholic Telegraph
Nearly 1,000 in archdiocese to join the church at Easter

Press Release On Sunday, March 9, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will celebrate the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion with 946 adults and children seeking entrance into the Roman Catholic Church.
Go directly to confession, don’t wait, pope says at audience

Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — If you haven’t been to confession recently, don’t wait, Pope Francis told people at his weekly general audience. One may walk into the confessional with a heavy heart, but forgiveness brings freedom and lightness. “If a lot of time has passed, don’t lose even …
Special Mass, dinner mark World Day for Consecrated Life

Staff Report For many years now in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the Little Sisters of the Poor have invited women religious in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky to come together at the their home to celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life on Feb. 2. This year, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presided …
Who needs Oscar? Here’s our list of 10 best pictures and family films
By John Mulderig Catholic News Service NEW YORK — For much of 2013, Hollywood seemed to be in the doldrums, turning out a good deal of product, but very little of quality. With the approach of year’s end, and the looming awards season, however, things improved remarkably. So much so, …
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI lives low-key life one year after resignation
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — In retirement, Pope Benedict XVI follows a daily schedule similar to that of any retired bishop or religious: He prays, reads, strolls, talks with people and offers them spiritual advice, the Vatican spokesman said. Although he “lives in a low-key way, …
Bishop Paprocki to visit Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Staff Report One of the most talked about topics of the day — same-sex marriage — is the focus of the Feb. 12 LeBlond Series lecture at The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West. Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki, of the Diocese of Springfield, Ill., will present “Marriage, …
Good Shepherd Parish creates opportunities for seniors

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph When John Fink retired after more than 40 years as an educator and school/district administrator, he found himself facing an unexpected challenge: how to fill his free time in a meaningful way. “I was used to being constantly busy,” said Fink, and while …
U.N. Committee demands Vatican action on clerical abuse charges
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child continued to insist that the Vatican compile and publish detailed statistics on clerical sexual abuse of minors and that the pope, as head of the church, can and should order Catholic dioceses …
Let us meet Jesus, not just talk about Him
At the initial meeting I have with an engaged couple to begin their preparation for married life, I always start with how they met and why they are now sitting across from me thinking about getting married. It is enjoyable to me to hear their stories and to see in …
Father Bernard Huan Tien Nguyen
Reverend Bernard Huan Tien Nguyen, a retired priest of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, passed away on Friday, Jan. 31, at the age of 76.