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The Catholic Telegraph
For Pope Francis, a year of reform and evangelization
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — As leader of the universal church, a pope must direct his ministry in both of the ways traditionally described by the Latin terms “ad intra” and “ad extra”: inwardly to the church itself, and outwardly to the rest of the …
Archdiocese one-day confession event March 18
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph One catechetical joke asks the question, “What is the difference between a sinner and a saint? The answer — confession. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “after having attained the age of discretion, each of the faithful is bound by an obligation …
Pope Francis has ‘added new life’ to office he holds, U.S. bishops say
By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — In his first year as the 265th successor of Peter, Pope Francis “has brought to light new dimensions of the Petrine ministry and added new life to the office he holds,” the U.S. bishops’ Administrative Committee said March 11. He has done this in …
Vatican medical experts OK reported miracle attributed to Archbishop Sheen
By Catholic News Service PEORIA, Ill. — A seven-member team of medical experts convoked by the Vatican reported there is no natural explanation for the survival of a child delivered stillborn and whose heart did not start beating until 61 minutes after his birth.
Lent comes ‘to reawaken us,’ pope says at Ash Wednesday Mass
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service ROME — Lent is meant to wake up Christians and help them see that God can give them the strength to change their lives and their surroundings, Pope Francis said. Before receiving and distributing ashes at an evening Mass March 5, Ash Wednesday, Pope …
10 things most people don’t know about Pope Francis
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — When Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran walked onto the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, telling the crowds in Latin: “I announce to you a great joy. We have a pope!” not many people recognized the name of then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos …
Fish Fry guide for 2014 now available online
Staff Report The 2014 Fish Fry guide, presented by The Catholic Telegraph is now available online HERE. Nearly 4,000 people visited the Fish Fry calendar in 2013, making it the third-most popular feature on behind the Festival Guide and Mass Time Calendar.
One year ago Feb. 28, the Holy See became vacant
Feb. 28, 2014 Staff Report Though first announced Feb. 11, the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI took effect one year ago on Feb. 28, 2013.
Remember, the light is on for confession
This coming March 18, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is participating for the first time in a national campaign simply titled “The Light is On for You.” Begun in New York, it is a night where every parish throughout the archdiocese will have confessions offered from 7-9 p.m. It has met …
What keeps me Catholic? Internet trolls
You know you’re getting old when words you knew so well from childhood change their meaning…without you even being aware of it. Take “troll” for example. Growing up I associated trolls, always grouchy and hungry, with the classic fairy tale “Three Billy Goats Gruff.” Come to find out trolls no …