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The Catholic Telegraph
Cincinnati Reds to ‘Strike Out Hunger’ with SVDP

Press Release The Society of St. Vincent de Paul-Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Reds and WLWT are partnering to Strike Out Hunger in Greater Cincinnati on Friday, June 20 and Saturday, June 21.
Pope to fathers: Teach your children well, always be by their side

(Editor’s Note: This Catholic News Service report was originally released on March 19, 2014. With Fathers’ Day this weekend, the story has been reposted for your enjoyment.) By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — On the feast of St. Joseph, patron saint of the universal church and Jesus’ …
At spring assembly, U.S. bishops urged to promote, support families

By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service NEW ORLEANS — The U.S. bishops gathered in New Orleans for their spring general assembly June 11-13, were urged to promote and support Catholic families. Among the bishops in attendance were the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. …
Women find prayerful place to discern at Marianist house
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph As vocations director for her community, Marianist Sister Nicole Trahan has witnessed firsthand how meaningful the opportunity to explore a call to religious in a prayerful, no pressure setting can be for a woman in discernment. That’s exactly what the Marianist Sisters hope …
Archbishop tours St. Joseph orphanage campus

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph St. Joseph’s Orphanage still lives up to its name but the many services it offers bares little resemblance to the traditional concept of orphanage.
Leap and there will be a net: message resonates
“Leap and there will be a net.” This little message has resonated in my heart since I first heard it. It is as if the Holy Spirit wants it known that we should be taking risks if we really believe what we profess. Discipleship is no place for people who …
Hispanic Ministries growing in archdiocese
By Mary Bertolini For The Catholic Telegraph More than half the Catholics under 30 in the United States are Hispanic, and that age group in the Church is growing rapidly, Father Louis Gasparini, head of the archdiocesan Office of Hispanic Ministries said.
Did Pope Francis change church teaching on homosexuality?
Dear Father: I keep hearing that Pope Francis changed Church teaching on homosexuality with his question, “Who am I to judge?” Is that true? Dear Reader: Pope Francis did not change church teaching [cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357-2359].
St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati kicks off 2014 campaign
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph From home visits helping with immediate needs to its charitable pharmacy to its thrift stores and more, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Cincinnati has a major impact in the Cincinnati region of the archdiocese.
Pope tells presidents only God can bring peace to Holy Land (Video)

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Praying for peace in the Holy Land alongside leaders of long-antagonistic nations, Pope Francis called on God to act where human efforts had failed, to end what he described as violence inspired by the devil.