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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

By Catholic News Service  WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate July 16 voted to block consideration of a bill aimed at reversing the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and forcing businesses to provide contraceptive coverage for employees even if they object to it on religious grounds.

It happens once a month—Welcome Sunday. With three independent-minded kids, when told to get ready for Mass, I am surprised that there are no, well, fewer complaints. Likewise, leaving home they all have smiling, well, no frowning faces. The purpose of the Mass is that afterwards, in the school cafeteria, …

The night before The Lord’s passion, the disciples were seemingly (if you can infer this from the bible) having  a nice evening. Though Jesus had warned them of his passion and resurrection, they didn’t quite understand what was about to occur.

By David Scharfenberger For The Catholic Telegraph  If you ever wondered about the positive effects of a Catholic education, you can look to the eighth graders at St. Michael School in Sharonville. During this last year, they read and learned first hand about immigrants and immigration and why we as …

Do you remember what your parents would say to you when you questioned why you had to do something? Their answer was swift and lethal: “Because I said so.” Somehow, we knew that response ended all arguments and pleas on our part. Our parents made it clear that there would …

By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service SYLVANIA, Ohio — Looking over her latest work, Sister Jane Mary Sorosiak picked up a piece of hardened clay depicting the face of St. Joseph and began touching up pinkish tones of glaze that will transform into a glossy flesh-colored finish once fired and …

By Simon Caldwell Catholic News Service  MANCHESTER — Senior Anglican leaders have voiced their support for assisted suicide just days before a crucial debate on the subject in the British Parliament.

By Mary Bertolini For The Catholic Telegraph  The Catholic Church’s door swings both ways for Catholic Hispanics in the United States, just as it does for all other cultures.  Many come in, but there are also those who leave. Sixty-seven percent of Latino adults identified themselves as Catholic in 2010, …

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — The General Synod of the Church of England voted July 14 to authorize the ordination of women as bishops and approved motions pledging to respect and work with people who believe that, theologically, the vote was a mistake. Before the vote, …

Staff Report Elder High School principal Tom Otten announced a recent gift of $2.5 million received from the school’s “Guardian Angel” family. Otten explained that the family, who wishes to remain anonymous, earned the nickname “because they seem to be aware of our most pressing needs, yet choose to avoid …