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The Catholic Telegraph
Police chaplain to preside at 10th annual ‘Blue Mass’ Sept. 14

Press Release Father Steve Angi, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and police chaplain, will be the principal celebrant at the tenth annual Blue Mass for Greater Cincinnati police, fire and safety personnel to be held at 11 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 14, at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, …
Throwback Thursday: September 11, 2001

Staff Report The events of September 11, 2001 are burned into the memories of all Americans alive at the time. For arguably the first time in world history, a major international tragedy took place under the watch of a 24-hour news cycle.
Never forget 9/11: An editorial from the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Catholic newspaper

The following is an unsigned editorial titled “Never forget!” from the Sept. 11 issue of The Tablet, newspaper of the Diocese of Brooklyn, New York. There are days that will be remembered, detail for detail, in our minds. And for many of us, Sept. 11, 2001, is undoubtedly one of …
SportsLeader releases video of HS football Rosary Rally
Staff Report Back on July 31 nearly 500 students, athletes and coaches gathered to adore the the Lord in the Eucharist and to pray the rosary prior to the start of the high school football practice season. To read the original story, click HERE.
Ordination of man facing death ‘reflects Pascal Mystery,’ says bishop

By Rick Musacchio Catholic News Service SAN ANTONIO — As William Carmona lay gravely ill in a San Antonio hospital bed, he repeatedly questioned his classmates from nearby Assumption Seminary: “Where is Bishop Choby?” “When will he get here?” And finally: “How many more hours until he ordains me?” Carmona, …
Don’t let your work squeeze out the important things
Just about any white-collar worker under the age of 40 will confess that he or she works at least sixty hours a week, goes to work early, leaves work late, and brings work home. What has happened to us? Why has the culture replaced all other values with a need …
Holy Cross Church in Dayton marks a century of faith

Report Holy Cross Roman Catholic Lithuanian Church in Dayton has been celebrating a century of faith in a variety of ways. The parish’s 100th anniversary Mass was held June 22, with Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. Binzer as the main celebrant. Concelebrants were Father Eric Bowman, Holy Cross Church administrator, Father …
Latin American families challenged by poverty, violence, social norms
By Ezra Fieser Catholic News Service SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — Poverty, violence and changing social norms are causing the disintegration of the family structure across Latin America, church workers in the region said in advance of the October gathering of bishops in the Vatican to discuss pressures families face.
Catholic cemetery needs help combating invasive pests

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph HAMILTON — For more than a century mourners at St. Stephen and St. Mary cemeteries in Hamilton, Ohio have come to pay their respects to the deceased among a diverse canopy of trees. Because of an insect less than half an inch in length, …