Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Busca Al Senor Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

En su encíclica Evangelium Vitae sobre el valor y la inviolabilidad de la vida humana, el Papa San Juan Pablo II habla del llamado de Dios a cada persona a compartir la plenitud de la vida por toda la eternidad con Él. Incluso durante nuestra vida en este mundo físico …
Obituary: Reverend Harry J. Meyer

Reverend Harry J. Meyer passed away on Thursday, October 5, 2023, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born on November 10, 1939, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and baptized at St. William Church, Cincinnati. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary, studied two years of philosophy at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary …
Values Guide Students

Mercy McAuley High School aims to instill key core values in its students, and evidence indicates it is succeeding. During Lent, the school’s campus ministry sponsored a contest among homerooms to collect the most layettes (a bag of necessities for newborn babies) to donate to Pregnancy Center West. The students …
Bellarmine Chapel, Xavier University

St. Robert Bellarmine at Xavier University is both a parish and a university chapel. As late as the 1940s, students (then all men) were not permitted at parish Masses, but attended student Masses as part of their Jesuit formation and education. 1831 The Athenaeum (men’s high school and college) in downtown …
Seeking the Lord in Our Drudge

When I was growing up, my mom would say, “God has a plan for you today, Katie.” Her comment had implications and truth that took decades to sink in. Family life can be monotonous. There is so much sameness played on repeat; work and sleep without much in between. And …
Obituary: Fr. Louis Bartko, OFM

Father Louis (Lou) Bartko, OFM, died Sunday, Oct. 1 at St. Margaret Hall in Cincinnati. Fr. Lou was 82 years old. Born on Sept. 12, 1941, in Toledo, Ohio, Father Bartko was one of two children of Louis and Anna (Gurecky) Bartko. Although a spastic condition left him disabled and …
Guest Commentary: Artisans of the culture of life

by Sister Constance Veit, lsp Each October the Catholic Church in the United States observes Respect Life Month as a time to focus on the protection of God’s precious gift of human life. The theme of the month varies from year to year, but it usually concentrates our attention on …