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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

By Ann Schneible CNA/EWTN News  The Catholic Church in Nigeria has been at the forefront in fighting discrimination towards persons with same-sex attraction, says Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos, who adds that media coverage of the Church has been imbalanced. In one of the strongest statements made about homosexuality during …

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — In official reports of the closed-door talks at the Synod of Bishops on the family, an emerging theme has been the call for a new kind of language more appropriate for pastoral care today. “Language appeared many, many times,” Basilian …

By Elise Harris CNA/EWTN News  VATICAN CITY — In a prayer vigil set before the opening of the synod of bishops, Pope Francis said we must be attentive to the signs of the times to see the needs of the family by listening, being open and looking to the Lord. …

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — A married couple told Pope Francis and the Synod of Bishops on the family that Catholic parishes should welcome same-sex couples, following the example of parents who invite their son and his male partner to their home for Christmas. “The …

Staff Report Harkening back to older times where The Catholic Telegraph published high school football information in the print edition, for the remainder of the season we’ll be posting the collected standings and weekly opponents of all of our Catholic high school football teams here each Friday. Here are the standings through week six with week …

The Oct. 17, 1958 edition of The Catholic Telegraph-Register included coverage of the Oct. 9 death of Pope Pius XII. (CT File)
Staff Report This Throwback Thursday is another somber one as it was 56 years ago today that venerable Pope Pius XII died in Rome, just days after suffering a stroke. Reports from the Oct. 17, 1958 edition of The Catholic Telegraph-Register shows former Cincinnati Reds stadium Crosley Field being used …

By Catholic News Service  WASHINGTON — The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Oct. 8 urged the federal government “to reconsider” its new rules to allow religious institutions — and potentially some for-profit companies — to opt out of the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act. On Aug. 22, the …

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Existing diocesan programs and Catholic organizations aimed at helping Catholic families fulfill their vocation clearly are not strong enough to meet modern needs, a Wisconsin couple told the Synod of Bishops. “We must develop more robust and creative methods to share …

Staff Report DAYTON — Proclaim, a convocation of ordained and lay leaders from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, was brought to a close Tuesday with praise and singing, much as it began a day before. See Photo Gallery Below More about Proclaim Day 1 recap Archbishop Schnurr announces new mission statement …

By Andrea Gagliarducci The Catholic Telegraph  VATICAN CITY — The family is not an outdated model, and Catholics should defend it from the sins that call into question and often destroy the traditional family, the general rapporteur of the Synod of Bishops said Monday. Cardinal Peter Erdo of Esztergom-Budapest presented …