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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

The election of John Paul II to the papacy on this date in 1978 was a historic moment for the church. (CT File)
Staff Report Though present-day secular media like to use hyperbole over every morsel of Catholic news, on this date in 1978 that the church really did experience what could be called a “seismic shift.” For the first time since 1605, it was to be a year of three popes. Pope …

Staff Report Responding to confusion and concern over reports from the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr has released the following letter, explaining the relatio post disceptationem, the summary document recently released by the Vatican.

CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — An incorrect translation into English of the original midterm report of the Synod on the Family may have spurred controversial interpretations of the document itself. The document’s original version was written in Italian, which Pope Francis directed to be used as the official language of …

By Catholic News Service  DALLAS — During an Oct. 13 Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Fort Worth, the pastor, Father Jim Khoi asked for prayers for Nina Pham, a Dallas nurse who grew up in the parish and is now in the news as the first person …

Cardinal Wilfrid F. Napier of Durban, South Africa, arrives for the morning session of the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family at the Vatican Oct. 14. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) See SYNOD-REACTION Oct. 14, 2014.
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — The official midterm report from the Synod of Bishops, which uses strikingly conciliatory language toward divorced and remarried Catholics, cohabitating couples and same-sex unions, has proven highly controversial inside and outside the synod hall, with some synod fathers saying it …

Staff Report The home of Deacon John Gerke and his wife, Colleen, was broken into by a pair of armed robbers in the early the morning Oct. 13. The Gerkes were unharmed, and the suspects are in police custody. Deacon Gerke is assigned to ministry at Holy Family church in …

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Most young girls growing up in Cincinnati in the 1920s didn’t dream of become missionaries to China, yet from an early age, Maryknoll Sister Paulita Hoffman knew exactly what she wanted to do, and what God’s will for her was. The spunky nun, …

Staff Report Highlighting the special role women religious have had in Catholic education, the Department of Educational Services has named the conference rooms in its Cincinnati office after the founders of religious orders with local ties.

CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — The approach to irregular unions must start from positive aspects, and stable couples should be accompanied in a development toward the sacrament of marriage, the Synod of Bishops said in a midterm report issued Monday. “We have gathered together the results of our reflections and …

Volunteers at the Walnut Hills Soup Kitchen prepare to serve a meal. (CT Photo/Eileen Connelly, OSU)
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Are you looking for an opportunity for fellowship, a team building experience, the chance to nourish the body, mind and spirit of those in need? Then the Over-the-Rhine and Walnut Hills Soup Kitchens and Pantry would love to have you. Both soup kitchens …