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The Catholic Telegraph
Local seminarian serves Midnight Mass for Pope Francis

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph For JohnPaul Hennessey, a 19-year-old college seminarian from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, a trip to the Holy Land and Rome became a more memorable experience than he ever expected when he and his classmates were given the opportunity to serve Midnight Mass with Pope …
An invitation to participate in the follow up Synod on the Family survey for the faithful
The Lineamenta, or outline for the XIV Ordinary General Assembly to take place Oct. 4-25, 2015, will focus on the topic, “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World.” Although the synod is for the Catholic Bishops, Pope Francis is interested in the …
Royalmont Academy names new high school principal
Staff Report On the final day of Catholic Schools Week, the newest Catholic high school in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati announced the hiring of its first high-school specific principal. Courtney Brown, most recently the Theology of the Body Education Director for Ruah Woods was introduced at a press conference Friday …
Chinese priest urges unity, sees government plan as way to divide church
By N.J. Viehland Catholic News Service MANILA, Philippines — The recent announcement of this year’s working plans of the Chinese State Administration for Religious Affairs has driven a young priest from northern China to call church leaders to work for dialogue and reconciliation among Catholics in his country.
Archbishop Schnurr celebrates CSW Mass in Dayton [Photos]

Staff Report On Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week 2015, Jan. 28, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated a special Mass at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Church in Dayton. (See Photo Gallery Below)
Family Life Activities for February
By Greg Hartman The Catholic Telegraph Vocation View: Mothers: February is a great time for women to reflect on motherhood. Pray with our Blessed Mother that you are the best version of a mother you can be or would hope to be. In reflection, think of ways you can bring …
CSW event: Superintendent serves lunch to students

Staff Report Superintendent of Catholic Schools Jim Rigg has served in many roles as a Catholic educator. He’s been a teacher, principal and professor, and to top it off he has two post-graduate degrees. Rigg took on a different role on Thursday of Catholic Schools Week at Our Lady of …
Throwback Thursday: Basketball Bishop
Staff Report The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has a well-established Catholic Schools Week tradition of holding two Masses in honor of the occasion. One takes place in Cincinnati at the Cathedral, and the other takes place in Dayton with the Archbishop and his auxiliary alternating who celebrates each one.
DePaul Cristo Rey set to graduate first senior class

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Aaron Carter plans to study psychology or criminal justice. Mary Ann Chimusoro aims to pursue a degree in anthropology. These two seniors at DePaul Cristo Rey High School seek careers that will enable them to give back to their community because the Cincinnati …
Measles are making a comeback, so what does the Church teach about vaccines?
By Mary Rezac CNA/EWTN News Disneyland is supposed to be the Happiest Place on Earth, not the place where you contract a highly contagious, once-eradicated disease. Unfortunately, that is what happened at Disneyland in California, starting back in December. The measles virus, likely carried by a tourist from a foreign …