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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

By Carol Glatz & Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — Cardinals meeting at the Vatican discussed better ways to balance the responsibilities of local bishops and of the Roman Curia, said the Vatican spokesman. A recurring theme in the cardinals’ Feb. 12-13 meeting was “what is it that …

Staff Report  The Lay Pastoral Ministry Program (LPMP) will open two new satellite locations to accommodate students interested in taking classes beginning in August 2015: the Daniel E. Pilarczyk Center on Needmore Road in Dayton and St. Ignatius Parish on Cincinnati’s west side. (Continue reading below for Catholic news from …

By Lise Alves Catholic News Service SAO PAULO — In the 10 years since U.S.-born Sister Dorothy Stang was killed by ranchers in the Amazon, the risks have not decreased, said one of the coordinators of the Brazilian bishops’ Pastoral Land Commission. Antonio Canuto, one of the commission’s coordinators, said although the …

Staff Report  The usual tone of Throwback Thursday stories tends to be lighthearted, but today’s post is a somber one. Many in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and around the world mark today as the 10th anniversary of Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Dorothy Stang’s assassination. Sister Dortothy, a native of Dayton, …

By Ann Schneible CNA/EWTN News  Two years to the day since Pope Benedict XVI told the world of his historic decision to step down from the papal office, those impacted by his pontificate say that his legacy is still burning bright. “Pope Benedict’s legacy is really very massive,” said Archbishop …

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — A homily at Mass is not a mini catechism class, the Vatican says in a new document on homilies, but it is an opportunity to explain church teaching using the Scripture readings and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. “In the …

Sister Philomena told us, “You love Jesus as much as you love the person you love the least.” “Holy Cow!” I thought after hearing that pronouncement. The first person that came to mind was Aunt Pearl, my 90 year old aunt. She smelled like steamed cabbage, belched all the time …

Staff Report On Sunday, Feb. 22, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will celebrate the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion with 857 adults and children seeking entrance into the Roman Catholic Church.

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service  ROME — When Pope Francis walked through the gate surrounding a group of shacks and very humble homes, it took a while for people to notice. In fact, when a couple of people looked out their doors, the pope’s chief security guard motioned them …

Seminarian Chris Geiger takes a shot against tough competition at Cardinal Pacelli. (Courtesy Photo/Susan Declercq) Staff Report Ordinarily, it wouldn’t be seen as positive news for a group of college-aged men to beat junior high students in a game of basketball, but when the Minor Prophets play, it is always …