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The Catholic Telegraph
Ash Wednesday 2015 Mass times for after work

Staff Report If the weather kept you away from attending an Ash Wednesday Mass this morning or early afternoon, fear not. Below are the Ash Wednesday Mass times we have on file from 4:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. If your parish isn’t listed here, check out the Mass Calendar HERE …
Father Fernandes to talk Light is ON For You, confession on 700 WLW at 12:30
Staff Report Father Earl Fernandes, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West in Cincinnati and columnist for The Catholic Telegraph will appear on the Bill Cunningham Show on 700 WLW radio today, Ash Wednesday, at 12:30 p.m.
Franciscan Media layoffs not expected to affect products
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Franciscan Media, a Cincinnati-based company that encompasses the St. Anthony Messenger magazine, Servant Books and laid off more than 20 employees on Feb. 12. Father Dan Kroger, CEO of Franciscan Media, confirmed the layoffs Tuesday, Feb. 17 but added that the company’s services would not …
In sight of the nation’s capitol, a massive Bible museum underway
By Matthew Hadro CNA/EWTN News Washington D.C. — A vast Bible museum is currently under construction in Washington, D.C. and has had strong support since its beginning phases from the Vatican, officials for the project revealed last week. “When we introduced the Museum of the Bible, the first place we …
Pope urges cardinals to go in search of the lost, bring them in
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The Catholic Church cannot call itself church if it is a “closed caste” where the sick, the wounded and sinners are shunned, Pope Francis told the 20 new cardinals he created. “The way of the church is precisely to leave her …
Pope offers Mass for murdered Coptic Christians
By Elise Harris CNA/EWTN News Pope Francis offered his Tuesday morning Mass for the repose of the souls of the 21 Egyptian Christians killed by ISIS militants, praying that man learn to reject his evil temptations, and choose what is good. The Pope Feb. 17 prayed for “our brother Copts, …
Catholic Cemetery Society offers help on stressful subject
By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph Maybe your family has been charged with an urn containing the ashes of great-uncle Louis or grandma Helen. For a time, perhaps they rested on the mantle or in a china cabinet. After a while, they were reverently moved to a storage closet or …
Archbishop Schnurr invites participation in Light is ON For You

The following letter from The Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati, is dated Feb. 15, 2015 and will also appear in the March 2015 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph. The complete letter is reprinted here: February 15, 2015 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Grace and …
Pope opens cardinals’ discussion of Curia reform; new offices explained
By Carol Glatz & Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Cardinals meeting at the Vatican discussed better ways to balance the responsibilities of local bishops and of the Roman Curia, said the Vatican spokesman. A recurring theme in the cardinals’ Feb. 12-13 meeting was “what is it that …
Around the Archdiocese for Feb. 13: Pastoral ministry program opens satellite locations

Staff Report The Lay Pastoral Ministry Program (LPMP) will open two new satellite locations to accommodate students interested in taking classes beginning in August 2015: the Daniel E. Pilarczyk Center on Needmore Road in Dayton and St. Ignatius Parish on Cincinnati’s west side. (Continue reading below for Catholic news from …