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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Staff Report Known for his humility, deep faith and international charity work, Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodríguez Maradiaga of Honduras recently visited the archdiocese of Cincinnati. During his visit, the University of Dayton honored the cardinal with the Archbishop Oscar Romero Human Rights Award. Cardinal Rodríguez is the Archbishop of Tegucigalpa …

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Christians either love God and their neighbor or they are hypocrites; there is no middle ground, Pope Francis said. “Jesus says, ‘Whoever is not with me is against me.’ Well, can’t there be a compromise — a bit here and a …

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY  — Hearing a Catholic’s confession should be awe-inspiring for a priest, an experience that makes him look at his own life and willingness to convert, Pope Francis told a group of seminarians, new priests and priests who hear confessions in the major …

By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — Within two years of becoming pope, Pope Francis now has an effect named after him. This “Francis effect” provides both comfort and challenges to Catholics, according to a panel of U.S. Catholic leaders speaking during a March 10 teleconference organized by Faith …

  By Edgardo Ayala Catholic News Service SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero will be beatified in San Salvador May 23, said Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the postulator or chief promoter of the archbishop’s sainthood cause. The ceremony, which moves the murdered archbishop a step closer to …

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph  Keeping youth involved in the faith ranks as one of the key concerns of the church in today’s secular society. After all, today’s young Catholics will be the leaders of tomorrow’s church. Four parishes in the archdiocese will be the first in the …

Staff Report We are excited to announce that the Office of the New Evangelization has hired Luke Carey as an Assistant Director. This is the first new position for the Office of the New Evangelization since it was created by Archbishop Schnurr in July 2013. This new position in the …

Press Release   In light of Dayton being ranked fourth in the nation for food hardship, the Catholic Social Action Office and Weavers of Justice are calling for Miami Valley residents to take one week in Lent to stand in solidarity with hungry families in the area. Óscar Andrés Cardinal …

By Beth Griffin Catholic News Service NEW YORK (CNS) — At his funeral Mass March 10 in New York’s splendid St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Cardinal Edward M. Egan was remembered as a churchman whose faith in Jesus Christ outshone even his considerable temporal qualities. Cardinal Egan died March 5 at age …

  WASHINGTON—People of all faiths are called to pray for victims of religious persecution and violence and work to protect the marginalized and persecuted around the world, according to a statement of the Administrative Committee of the U.S. bishops, approved March 10. The bishops said Lent is a time for …