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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A homeless man who faithfully attended Mass at a church inside Vatican City for decades was buried in a Vatican cemetery after it was discovered he had died and was left unidentified in a hospital morgue. Willy Herteleer was well-known …

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service ROME  — With the aim of ensuring that the public display of the Shroud of Turin promotes conversion and healing, the archbishop of Turin has given priests throughout the archdiocese special faculties to offer absolution to women who confess to having had an abortion. …

Staff Report  The word cathedral conjures up images of giant gothic masterpieces that stretch upwards toward the heavens in majesty as an architectural tribute to God. While many cathedrals, including Cincinnati’s Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, are modern marvels there’s no requirement that they be particularly large or ornate.

  Staff Report As we journey into Lent, we are a week away from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s The Light is ON for you. This is a wonderful night to take advantage of the Sacrament of Penance and spend some time with the Lord in quiet prayer. Perhaps in preparation …

By Walt Schaefer The unborn have lost a dear friend, a protector, and a champion. Dr. John C. “Jack” Willke, perhaps the most visible and outspoken advocate for the life of the unborn, died Feb. 20 — two months short of his 90th birthday.  Dr. Willke was preceded in death …

By Laura Ieraci Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The Lenten journey of conversion requires Christians to rediscover the “deepest truth” about themselves, cast off their masks and take on the courage to live truth, a prominent Carmelite priest told the pope and Vatican officials. In the first days of …

By Doreen Abi Raad Catholic News Service BEIRUT — The Middle East is suffering a “Way of the Cross” that is the greatest tragedy since World War II, Melkite Catholic Patriarch Gregoire III Laham said in a Lenten message about suffering. He said the church, despite its efforts, is having …

Catholic Rural Life of St. Marys and Sidney deaneries is encouraging Catholic farming families in those deaneries to apply for enrollment in the Catholic Century Farms Registry.   Active Catholic families who have farmed and nurtured the same land for 100 years or more are eligible for this distinction. Deadline …

By Mary Bertolini For The Catholic Telegraph  Why would an extremely busy bishop come to the United States just to help a small community celebrate a feast day? When people flee their country, Guatemalan Bishop Alvaro Ramazzini explained recently during a visit to Cincinnati, they take only a bag of …

By Catholic News Service CINCINNATI — Dr. John “Jack” Willke, an obstetrician and a former president of the National Right to Life Committee who is credited with helping shape the pro-life movement, died Feb. 20 at his home in Cincinnati. He was 89. A funeral Mass was to be celebrated …