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The Catholic Telegraph
Archbishop urges prayers for victims of ‘tragic train derailment’
By Catholic News Service PHILADELPHIA — Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput May 13 urged prayers for all affected by the Amtrak train derailment in the city’s Port Richmond neighborhood that left at least six people dead and injured more than 200 others. “I urge all people of goodwill to join …
In family relations, good manners are no joke, pope says at audience
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The closer two people are to each other, the more care is required in respecting the other’s freedom and feelings, Pope Francis said. Even Jesus knocks at the door of a person’s heart awaiting permission to enter, he said May 13 …
Vatican approves statutes for papal commission for protecting minors
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors received temporary approval of its first set of statutes. U.S. Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley of Boston — one of the pope’s top cardinal advisers and president of the pontifical commission — had submitted …
Vatican releases details of pope’s trip July 5-12 to South America
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis’ July 5-12 visit to Latin America will not take him to his native Argentina, but it will put him closely in touch with his Jesuit roots and with one of the main characteristics of his ministry as archbishop of …
Friday Photo: Cinco de Mayo

Staff Report Members of Orgullo Mexicano (Mexican Pride) under the direction of Imelda Ayala, performed for teachers and guests at the 26th Annual Miami Valley Teacher Awards Banquet in Kettering May 5 or Cinco de Mayo.
Local friar pens devotional on Saint Francis of Assisi
For centuries St. Francis of Assisi has pointed others to Christ. His writings, associated legends and popular sayings have inspired priests, laity and even the present Holy Father. Popular culture knows the founder of the Franciscan orders for his commitment to poverty and love of animals, but these alone do …
Throwback Thursday: Archbishop heads to Rome for Holy Year of 1975

Staff Report The association of a Holy Door with jubilee years in the Catholic Church dates back to sometime before 1475. Each of the four papal basilicas in Rome has a holy door that is usually sealed shut, until a jubilee year, when it is opened and pilgrims passing through …
Local service to celebrate beatification of Oscar Romero
Report The Catholic Social Action, Mission, and Family and Respect Life Offices, and the Society of St. Vincent De Paul, will participate in a celebration “In the Sprit of Romero,” 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, May 20, at Bellarmine Chapel on the campus of Xavier University. Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, …
Editor’s Note: Effort needed to truly know people around us
The resurrection of Jesus Christ should be very much on our minds as Easter passes and we give thanks for our hope of our own resurrection. Death, however, comes before resurrection. The tragic passing at age 17 of Purcell-Marian student Kelsie Crow on Holy Saturday when a stray bullet found …
IHM parishioner says, ‘God is my lead accountant’

By Walt Scaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Mike Desmier worked at the behest of others for years. Now he has found a personal niche in life. As a certified public accountant, Desmier toiled for area construction companies, where owner demands sometimes conflicted with reality. He became disillusioned with the quest …