Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Hispanic ministry pioneer will return to Colombia
By Mary Bertollini For The Catholic Telegraph Father Samuel Gonzalez had to leave his country of Colombia in 2000 because of serious threats to him from the political arena. He had worked for 32 years in the diocese of Socorro as an outspoken advocate for social justice. He assisted his …
Ordination photo gallery now online

Staff Report The ordination of new priests at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains always showcases the beauty of the liturgy and the grandeur our local cathedral. Sometimes photographers are also able to capture rarely seen moments that happen behind the scenes. The ordination of Father Ethan Moore, Father Adrian …
Pope Francis: Fear and joylessness are signs of bad spiritual health
By Ann Schneible CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — In his daily homily on Friday Pope Francis said that Christian communities become “sick” when they live in fear and fail to be joyful – even when times are difficult. “When the Church is fearful and when the Church does not receive the …
Hundreds of US priests ask Synod to stand firm on Church teaching
By Mary Rezac CNA/EWTN News Nearly 1,000 United States priests made their own a petition to the fathers of the upcoming Synod, originally made public and signed by nearly 500 English priests. The statement’s wording is exactly that of the English version, and urges the fathers of the upcoming Ordinary Synod …
Newly ordained priests given first assignments

Staff Report Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr ordained three men as priests of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Saturday, May 16 at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, in downtown Cincinnati.
Seminarians to be ordained priests May 16

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr will ordain three men priests of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati May 16 at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, Cincinnati. The celebration begins at 11 a.m. A fourth member of the 2015 class of Mount St. Mary’s of the West Seminary …
Throwback Thursday: Every bishop was first ordained a priest

Staff Report The ordination of a new priest is always cause for celebration. When a class of multiple men are ordained, the celebration is multiplied as the church gains many more shepherds. At priestly ordination a man become a priest forever, but every once in a while, a priest become …
St. Mary Catholic Church breaks ground for new location

By Sarah Anne Carter For The Catholic Telegraph By moving about seven miles from its current location, one parish hopes to greatly expand its capacity for both parishioners and ministries. St. Mary Catholic Church in Franklin had a groundbreaking ceremony March 8 in Springboro for a new church building. The …
Vatican-Palestine accord supports ‘two-state’ solution
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Vatican and Palestinian representatives have finalized the text of a formal agreement recognizing freedom of religion in the “State of Palestine” and outlining the rights and obligations of the Catholic Church, its agencies and its personnel in the territory.
Some Family Activities for May
Staff Report Saturday May 16th The Archdiocese of Cincinnati newly ordained Priest. Have a Holy Hour at home to pray for our newly ordained Priest: Rev. Mr. Adrian Hilton, Rev. Mr. Ethan Moore, and Rev. Mr. Eric Wood. During the Holy Hour pray for these men, as well as our …