Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Ruah Woods continues to expand ministry
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph The dedication of the New Evangelization Center at Ruah Woods in 2014 was a milestone for the organization and it is continuing to expand its ministry geared toward restoring the family and renewing the culture by educating and training others to understand, embrace …
Archdiocese principals honored at annual meeting
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Principals from the Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati gathered April 29 at Voice of America Park in Butler County for their annual meeting and awards ceremony. After being updated on various policies, procedures and important notes from the archdiocese, the principals were …
Editor’s Note: Pope Francis’ declarations recall Dad’s rules
My father’s mother, my grandmother, died when he was only two years old. He never forgot the sense of loss and the pain of growing up without a mother. And he was determined his sons would not forget either. Reading some of Pope Francis’ recent homilies on marriage and relationships …
Archbishop Schnurr: Freedom of religion “being rapidly eroded”

The following letter from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati urges participating in the coming Fortnight for Freedom. The letter originally appeared in the June 2015 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph. My dear frends in Christ, Catholics everywhere have been appalled at the spectacle of Christians being …
Cross the Bridge for Life Sunday

Staff Report On Sunday, June 7, thousands of people from across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the Diocese of Covington will come together and witness for the unborn by crossing the Purple People Bridge (officially the Newport-Southbank Bridge), which spans the Ohio River from Newport on the Levee in Kentucky to Sawyer Point …
Friday Photo: Take me out to the ball game

Staff Report About 40 members of the St. Maximilian Kolbe Children’s Choir took to the field at Great American Ballpark Sunday May 31, marking the second-straight year the choir has performed at a Cincinnati Reds’ game. The children’s choir, directed by Mary Ella Wielgos, sang the Star Spangled Banner before receiving …
CRS official resigns weeks after report he was in same-sex marriage
By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — A veteran Catholic Relief Services financial official has resigned in the wake of report that he was in a same-sex marriage. Rick Estridge, vice president for overseas finance, stepped down after 16 years with the U.S. bishops’ overseas aid and development agency, saying …
Catholic Universe Bulletin ends 141-year run in Cleveland July 3
By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — The Catholic Universe Bulletin, which has delivered news and information about the Cleveland Diocese to parishioners for more than 140 years, will close its doors in July. The July 3 edition will be the last, said Robert Tayek, diocesan communications director. Word of the …
‘How could I leave that?’ A sister writes why she’s Catholic
Editor’s Note: A movement stared by the faith website Patheos is sweeping the web. Catholic authors are witnessing to their faith by sharing #WhyImCatholic stories online. Tell us HERE why you’re remaining Catholic when the spirit of the age seems to be leading people out of the pews. In the summer of 2011, …
Quakes strengthen doctor’s resolve to continue mission work in Nepal
By John Shaughnessy Catholic News Service INDIANAPOLIS — All the deaths and all the devastation that happened within seconds could have rocked the foundation of faith and resolve that Dr. Christine Groves had built in her 34 years of life. In fact, the April 25 earthquake in Nepal that killed more …