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The Catholic Telegraph
My Journey: Cradle Catholic says recognize need for constant commitment

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Luke Carey, Assistant Director Office of the New Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati isn’t a convert. For Carey, there was no moment when it all just clicked. There was no explosive experience wherein the faith of his childhood was confirmed. Instead, there were …
Families need prayers, mercy, courage, pope says from Ecuador
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador — Even if a pastoral proposal for helping a Catholic family with problems seems scandalous at first, it is possible God could use that proposal to bring healing and holiness, Pope Francis said. Encouraging and celebrating family life during a Mass July 6 in …
Archdiocese launches Food for All campaign

Staff Report No one should be hungry. The archdiocesan Catholic Social Action Office, in partnership with the Office of the New Evangelization, Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio and Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley, is sponsoring Food for All: Be Multiplied, launching July 1. The effort localizes Pope Francis’ “One …
Independence Day Mass closes U.S. bishops’ annual Fortnight for Freedom

By Julie Asher Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — Religious freedom is “the human right that guarantees all other rights,” Miami Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski said July 4 in his homily at the closing Mass of the U.S. bishops’ fourth annual Fortnight for Freedom. That right “has its foundation in the very …
Vocation office releases new video on college seminary life

Staff Report Late last month the Vocations Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati released a new video depicting the life of seminarians discerning their call to the priesthood in college seminary at Bishop Simon Brute in Indianapolis and the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus. See the full video below Men …
Friday Photo: A taste of glory

Staff Report By this point in the summer, students have long forgotten what was on their final exam. Sure to be remembered, however, are moments like the one captured above. Featuring Alter High School students Kyly Borton, Kristen Petrovsky, Abby Nichols, and Perri Bockrath, this photo was taking after the …
Throwback Thursday: ‘True Freedom depends on God’

Staff Report Saturday will mark the 239th birthday of the United States of America. The nation, which in its founding document makes multiple references to man’s creator, is also home to nearly 70 million Catholics. Recent legislation and court decisions have left some Catholics wondering about the state of religious freedom in …
Catholic Charities SWO served 82,000 in need in 2014
Report Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio served 82,000 people in 2014 according its annual report released today. For 100 the years this Archdiocese of Cincinnati-agency has to served the poor, protected the vulnerable and welcomed immigrants and refugees across 11 counties with the support of about 2,500 volunteers. Key highlights from the …
Court reinforces order blocking Pa. dioceses from HHS mandate requirement
By Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — In a June 29 order, the Supreme Court continued to shield several Pennsylvania religious institutions from having to provide employees with health care coverage that includes contraceptives. The order in a case filed by the bishops and the Dioceses of Pittsburgh and Erie, …
St. Joseph Home Announces New President/CEO
Report St. Joseph Home (SJH) announced Wednesday that Dan Connors, SJH Vice President of Operations, was unanimously selected by the St. Joseph Home Board of Directors and confirmed by the Sisters of Charity Corporation Board to succeed Michael Rench as President/ CEO on August 1, 2015.