Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Nourishing Hope

How can you show love? While there are the physical aspects and emotional gestures, a recent legacy gift showed love not only to the Mission of Mary Cooperative, but to others who will benefit from them. Earlier this year, Mission of Mary Cooperative, located in the Twin Towers neighborhood of …
Seton Helping Saints

Creating a space for students to use their time, talent and treasure to serve in the community is at the heart of Seton Helping Saints (SHS), a student-led organization with more than 100 members at Seton High School, an all-girls Catholic school in Cincinnati. “It’s so important to teach young …
More than a Meal

On today’s menu, sweet and sour chicken with fried rice. For dessert, banana pudding. “This is a new one for us,” says Pat Freisthler, who has volunteered to cook at Holy Angels Soup Kitchen in Sidney since he first brought CCD students to volunteer a decade ago. Each day is …
Did you know? Our Lord Christ the King Church

Written by Gail Finke Illustrated by Emma Cassani Our Lord Christ the King Church, founded in 1926 in Cincinnati’s Mt. Lookout neighborhood, was the first parish named for Our Lord under the title “King.” Its school, Cardinal Pacelli, was named for a visitor who later became a pope. The interior …
Throwback Thursday: Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation of Thanksgiving Day

Though not in the printed edition of The Catholic Telegraph which was in its 32nd year, below is the text of President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation: By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings …

(CINCINNATI, OHIO, November 21, 2023) Michael Shaffer is Archbishop Moeller High School’s next principal, taking the helm from Carl Kremer who will continue in an administrative role and will remain as the head basketball coach. Mike joined Moeller in 2003 as a religion and psychology teacher. He quickly found success …
Did you Know? St. Bernard of Clairvaux

1919 St. Bernard parish established. 1920 Current church, an unusual variation of Mission Revival design by JF Sheblessy, built. 1925 St. Bernard School, a more typical version of Mission Revival, but made of brick, built. Staffed by Franciscan Sisters of Oldenburg. 1932 Marian grotto built on what is now the …
Growing Together

A garden project not only provides sustenance to the hungry, but also fosters a stronger sense of community. Meg Anderson and Matt Davidson, married parishioners of the Crescent Family of Parishes just east of Cincinnati, share a passion for gardening. Last year, they learned of a Dayton-area cooperative that turned …
The Law of the Heart

Note: This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB). By taking on our human nature in the Incarnation, Jesus, the eternal Son of the Father, united himself intimately with us. He did this in order to save us from …
Book Review: Love Basics for Catholics

Love Basics for Catholics: Illustrating God’s Love for Us Throughout the Bible is Professor John Bergsma’s fourth contribution in a series of books intended for lay readers on biblical topics. Over the course of 10 chapters, he paraphrases select Scripture passages to illustrate how love and marriage’s centrality in the …