Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Labor Day statement: Reflection, action ‘critical’ for care of workers
By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — “Individual reflection and action is critical” when it comes to improving the conditions of workers in the United States and elsewhere, said Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, in the U.S. bishops’ …
Historic St. Aloysius commemorates 150 years
By Sarah Anne Carter For The Catholic Telegraph Designated a historical landmark in 1979 as part of the “Cross-Tipped Churches,” St. Aloysius in Carthagena commemorated its 150th anniversary in June. The parish building dates back to 1878, but the congregation can date itself back to 1865. “Saint Aloysius is certainly …
Editor’s Note: When Catholicism was fabric of our lives
If anyone doubted that Major League Baseball plays a vital role in the life of this city, the hosting of the 2015 All-Star Game July 14 should have cleared the matter up. The celebrations, the recognition of local heroes and the crowds drawn downtown to fight weather, traffic, media tweeters …
More than 1,300 protest Planned Parenthood in archdiocese

Staff Report With each successive protest held against national abortion provider Planned Parenthood, more and more people are turning out to support life. Just less than a month after a weekday protest drew nearly 500 pro-lifers, on Saturday Aug. 22, more than 1,100 turned out for a #ProtestPP rally at …
Through the Holy Door: Vatican to have pilgrim reservation system
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Drawing on the experience of the public exposition of the Shroud of Turin, Vatican officials are adopting a reservation system for pilgrims who want to cross the threshold of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica during the Year of Mercy. …
Is Planned Parenthood ‘aborting’ babies after birth?
By Matt Hadro & Adelaide Mena CNA/EWTN News Warning: this article contains graphic content. Reader discretion is advised. A new video in an investigative series on Planned Parenthood shows a former technician saying that she had once been traumatized by the experience of gathering tissue from an aborted baby whose heart …
Chaminade Julienne announces plans for home football stadium

Staff Report The 2015 high school football season will be Chaminade Julienne’s last “on the road.” Wednesday evening before a crowd of hundreds the school announced plans to construct Roger Glass Stadium, a multipurpose competition venue to be located at the corner of Longworth and Eaker Streets. The facility will …
Throwback Thursday: Archbishop installs neighboring bishop

Staff Report The installation of a bishop is a major event for a diocese and often for the city where the bishop’s seat is located. Such was the case in Columbus, Ohio on Aug. 22, 1968 when Arhbishop Karl J. Alter of Cincinnati installed Bishop Clarence E. Elwell as the …
All are welcome: UD Chapel of Immaculate Conception now open [Video]

Staff Report After 14 months of being closed for $12 million in renovations, the University of Dayton Chapel of the Immaculate Conception was rededicated Sunday by the Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, auxiliary bishop of Cincinnati. Sunday’s dedication was invitation only, but a daily Mass schedule open to the public has resumed. …
Father Gerald Niklas, retired chaplain, dead at 81
Press Release Archdiocese of Cincinnati Father Gerald “Jerry” R. Niklas died Saturday, August 15. He was 81. Father Niklas was born on October 17, 1933 in Cincinnati. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West in Norwood. He was ordained …