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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

  Dear Father: Why aren’t non-Catholics allowed to receive the Eucharist? I’ve talked to my parish priest and his response was two-fold:   They need to be in union with the Catholic Church, and they must believe that the Eucharist is the body of Christ, not just a symbol of Christ’s …

By Angela Cave Catholic News Service JAMAICA, N.Y. — Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York and other speakers at a Steubenville Youth Conference inspired 1,800 Catholic teenagers to live their faith openly. The conference was held Aug. 7-9 at St. John’s University in the Jamaica section of the New …

By Angela Cave Catholic News Service JAMAICA, N.Y.  — The first Steubenville Youth Conference to be held in New York drew 1,800 teenagers from around the country Aug. 7-9 to St. John’s University in Jamaica in the New York borough of Queens. They came seeking to bolster their faith and …

By Lou Baldwin Catholic News Service PHILADELPHIA (CNS) — As lecterns go, it is strictly utilitarian, a simple walnut stand with none of the ornamentation commonly found in mid-19th-century furnishings. Yet it has a distinguished past and is about to have a distinguished future. At a news conference Aug. 7 …

By Mary Knight Catholic News Service JERUSALEM — Jerusalem is hot, especially in the gym of the Max Rayne Hand in Hand Bilingual School for Jewish Arab Education. Jerusalem is tense, too, with jolting violence this summer over dismantled settlement homes, gay rights and a brutal attack on a Palestinian …

By Tom Tracy Catholic News Service WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Last spring, a Cincinnati man who was convicted of imprisoning and transporting multiple women for the purpose of commercial sex in the Ohio-Kentucky region was sentenced to 180 months for operating a sex trafficking scheme. In addition, the U.S. Justice …

CNA/EWTN News Pope Francis has instituted a new day of prayer and celebration for the Church entitled the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation,” to be celebrated on September 1 each year. The day of prayer is in keeping with the theme of the Holy Father’s newest …

The Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph When the University of Dayton assumed its present identity in 1920, the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception was more than 50 years old. Just shy of a century later, the chapel that has long served as a spiritual center for students is scheduled to …

Staff Report *Clearly not actually Pope Francis The work week has been nearly put to bed and visions of weekend fun are dancing through your head. What better way to celebrate the weekend than supporting a parish festival and snapping a selfie with the pope — or at least a life-size …

Staff Report Responding to the call of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si, Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr hosted a press conference Wednesday in the former school building at St. Monica-St. George in University Heights. The archbishop outlined how parishes and offices throughout the archdiocese are putting Pope Francis’s groundbreaking encyclical …