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The Catholic Telegraph
What Gives You Pause in Your Faith?

I ran two whole miles yesterday. That doesn’t sound like a lot, so let’s call it 10,560 feet; and I ran them all without stopping. This is huge for me, not because I’ve never been the athletic type, but because, by God’s grace, I’m recognizing more frequently my fear of …
Disinterested Giving in Truman Capote’s “A Christmas Memory”

In his January 16, 1980, general audience, Pope St. John Paul II noted that the second creation account in Genesis affirms two essential truths about the human person. The first is that the human is the only creature that God “willed for its own sake.” All other created things are …
Out and About in the Archdiocese for December 2023

1) An Evening with the Priests The Dayton faithful celebrated an evening in October to “get to know” the priest faculty and seminarians at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology. Pictured: L-R seated: Debbie Danis, Justin Hanks, Jack Adam, Carol Adam; L-R: standing: Father Adam Berning, Dr. …
Las Guadalupanas Draws Women to Our Blessed Mother

by April Deocariza After Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego in 1531, nearly nine million indigenous people in Mexico converted to the Catholic faith, and she became the patroness of the unborn and the Americas. Nearly 500 years later, Our Lady’s influence and intercession remain, felt even 2,000 …
Today’s Video: Our Lady of Guadalupe

Today we celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Check out the video on this Patron Saint of the Americas:
How to prepare for the Advent Penance Service.

As we’re in Advent, parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are having Advent Penance Services. Whether you’ve gone to confession recently or haven’t for many years, this is a great chance to Prepare for the Lord. The hour before you leave, take some time and prepare for the Sacrament of …
Love in Action through Families of Parishes

God is love. In this simple conviction is the vast mystery that when we experience love in our lives or deliver it out into the world, we find ourselves steeped in the very presence of God. We often feel this most intensely with those closest to us: spouses, children and …
Did You Know? St. Francis Xavier Downtown Cincinnati

1819 Christ Church, the first church in Cincinnati city limits, built on the current site of St. Francis Seraph Church at Vine and Liberty Streets. 1821 The original church moved to Sycamore street on rollers and designated the cathedral of the new Diocese of Cincinnati. It was replaced within five …
The New Evangelization at St. Michael the Archangel Family of Parishes.

There is a growing sense of excitement at the St. Michael the Archangel Family of Parishes, which includes six parishes in the northeastern part of the archdiocese: St. Augustine in Jamestown; St. Brigid in Xenia; St. Luke in Beavercreek; Mary, Help of Christians in Fairborn; St. Paul in Yellow Springs …