Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Number joining the church at Easter increases for first time since 2013

This year 880 adults and children will enter the Roman Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, beginning Sunday Feb. 14 with the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion. For the first time since 2013, the number of those preparing to enter the church at Easter is …
Comboni Missionary becomes chaplain moderator for Hispanic community

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Hispanic community has a newly appointed chaplain moderator in the person of Father Rodolfo Coaquira Hilaje, a Peruvian Comboni Missionary. He was ordained in 1992 in his home country and spent 15 years in pastoral ministry to the people of Zambia, Africa. He also did missionary work …
Cincinnati Mayor declares Feb. 5 Tom Otten Day

Though Feb. 5, 2016 passed in much of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati as simply the final day of Catholic Schools Week, at Elder High School and throughout the City of Cincinnati, it was officially Tom Otten Day. Otten, the 19-year principal of Elder High School, is retiring at the end of …
St. Michael principal treks in support of her school

A long walk can clear the mind, help tone the body and, as it turns out, help fund a school. During the week of Thanksgiving, one principal laced up her gym shoes and took steps to raise more than $3,000 for her school. It was part pilgrimage, part adventure and …
CSW Roundup: Music, arts, medicine and sports

As Catholic Schools Week 2016 winds down, here’s a look at some of the news submitted to the CT by area Catholic schools around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. St. Ignatius Music Program growing, in need of instruments Ta-ta-tam-tam! Music teacher Tasha Grismayer taps a music stand three times. There is …
St. Cecilia School in Oakley sees 22 students baptized

A few years ago, according to St. Cecilia Principal Mike Goedde, the Catholic population of his school was roughly 30 percent. That percentage is now 51 percent Catholic. While growing enrollment and changing demographics have played a role, the school and parish have made an intentional effort to be more …
Throwback Thursday: New computers, same mission

Catholic Schools Week has been around since 1974, one year before Apple Inc. started donating Apple 1 computers to schools. Over the years that followed, Catholic schools were often among the leaders in integrating technology in the classroom. By the new millennium, Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati had …
An adventure in citizenship begins for 2016

When you write it down, you put yourself in the game. So says a writing coach who specializes in getting people past writer’s block. We have embarked on one of the great American adventures in citizenship — a presidential election year. As I write this, the Iowa Caucuses are a …
Catholic Schools Week Central: 2016

Catholic Schools Week 2016, like the many that came before, is a chance to recognize the hard work of Catholic educators, students and parents who make a difference in education. The CT is highlighting Catholic-school related stories all week long and compiling links here at Catholic Schools Week Central. Catholic Schools …
Catholic Schools Week Mass Dayton and Northern Region [Photos]

Students and staff from the Dayton area and northern parts of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati gathered Feb. 3 at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Kettering for the annual Catholic Schools Week Masss. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Binzer was the celebrant. A Catholic Schools Week Mass for the Cincinnati area was celebrated …