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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Unsurprisingly, the media coverage of Amoris Laetitia continues an age-old misunderstanding of all things Catholic. The media elites can only report our news as as either “progressive” or “traditional.” This stems from a utilitarian and secularized understanding of human “progress.” To the post-modern mind all religions are essentially man-made institutions, …

For Lidia Bastianich food is about family, making connections and celebrating life. The Emmy-award winning host of “Lidia’s Kitchen,” best selling author and restaurateur has made her mark on the cooking scene, while remaining true to her roots and firm in her faith. Bastianich, an Italian born Catholic, who escaped …

Roughly 800 priests accepted a mission from the Holy Father in January. They became Missionaries of Mercy during the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, which runs through Nov. 20 of this year. On Ash Wednesday (Feb. 10), the majority of those missionaries gathered in Rome before Pope Francis to be …

I don’t know how many people are like me. I consider myself a fairly good listener and have always been ready with what I have considered pretty good advice. I certainly have had my fair share of times when I have given bad advice as well, but good or bad, …

The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council continued to discuss revision of its bylaws and membership parameters at its regular meeting March 5 at the Bartlett Center on the campus of the Athenaeum of Ohio. However, the commission first heard an upbeat report on the archdiocese’s finances from its own oversight committee and …

Some men who claim Catholicism are marginal in living their faith. Those might include men who attend Mass solely at the behest of their spouse, or only on Christmas or Easter. Deacon David Profitt, director of the diaconate program for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, noticed there is little in on …

Badin High School senior Morgan Deitschel is a finalist for the “Straight A” Scholarship, sponsored by the Anthony Munoz Foundation. “I was very surprised by this,” said Deitschel, a Fairfield resident and the daughter of Charles Deitschel and the late Diane Deitschel. “My counselor, Mrs. (Angie) Bucheit, nominated me and …

The Catholic Telegraph is just two weeks away from releasing the 2016 Festival Guide and today’s #ThrowbackThursday photo encapsulates the spirit of Catholic church festivals. A young boy and girl are shown enjoying a ride on a “scrambler” ride in the forefront. A ferris wheel and carousel are clearly seen …

La Salle High School
Interim Superintendent of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Susan Gibbons announced Friday that La Salle High School Principal Thomas Luebbe would not be offered a contract for next school year. Stacy Papke was named an interim principal on Monday, replacing Luebbe immediately. Seeking to clarify confusion over the news, the La Salle High School Board of …

On Tuesday Mercy Health, a Catholic health ministry serving Ohio and Kentucky hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony marking the grand opening of Mercy Health’s new home office in Bond Hill at 1701 Mercy Health Drive, formerly 1701 Showcase Drive. Local dignitaries and officials, including Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr and …