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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Father Patrick L. Sheridan, a late vocation to the priesthood and a retired pastor, died on Thursday, April 28. He was born on May 11, 1945 in Columbus, Ohio. Father Sheridan received an A.B. degree from John Carroll University, Cleveland, in 1967. After a career as a Realtor, he received a …

Each year, the Athenaeum of Ohio’s Maly Library displays chalices belonging to the men of Mount St. Mary’s seminary who will soon be ordained to the priesthood.   This year, seven men from the seminary will be ordained priests for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, and three others will be ordained elsewhere. …

Springtime is here with all that means. The Easter season continues, pollen counts are high, and thousands of young boys and girls are preparing to meet Jesus Christ in their first reception of Holy Communion. Since the spring doubles as “first communion season,” today’s Throwback Thursday highlights the second graders …

An April 21 news release from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops reported that 548 men are slated to be ordained to the priesthood in the U.S. this year. That number is slightly down from 595 in 2015, but up from 477 in 2014. The same report that notes the total number …

Sporting a biker vest emblazoned with a monstrance, Father Ethan Moore blessed between 75-100 motorcycles gathered for the first annual Blessing of the Bikes and Rosary Run April 24 at St. Michael Catholic Church in Fort Loramie. Father Moore’s first foray into what he calls “Biker Ministry,” aimed to bring …

Ten seminarians from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West will be ordained to the priesthood this summer, and seven of them will go on to serve the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. A question-and-answer-style interview with each of these young men who have said “yes” to God runs throughout the May …

The fourth in a series of Year of Mercy sojourns was held Mar. 13. The Mission Office is collaborating with several other Catholic communities in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati over the coming Year of Mercy to host monthly sojourns. The goal is to highlight the various Catholic cultural communities and …

Members of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Social Action Office and 15 parish leaders traveled April 20 to Columbus to lobby on behalf of several important issues, including life and care for creation. As part of the Ohio Catholic Conference’s Legislative Advocacy Day, the delegation met with more than 20 legislators and …

Dr. Scott Hahn, a former Protestant minister-turned Catholic apologist, author and speaker addressed seminarians and priests in a talk at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary April 15. “The most effective strategy to evangelize is to share the Gospel with joy. Enjoy being Catholic,” Hahn said enthusiastically to the crowd, which included Archbishop of …

In the wake of Amoris Laetitia much discussion has turned to discussion of family life. With that in mind, today’s Throwback Thursday is a prayer/pledge specifically for those called to the vocation of marriage and family life. The “Christian Marriage Pledge” appeared in a 1967 supplement to The Catholic Telegraph-Register …