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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

St. I's parishioners at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral. (Courtesy Photo)
Parishioners from St. Ignatius Loyola made a pilgrimage to St. Peter in Chains Cathedral to the Holy Doors in this Year of Mercy. The Year of Mercy continues until November 20th. The Closing of the Doors in this Year of Mercy takes place Saturday,  November 19th at St. Peter in …

The World Mission Sunday Mass was held on Oct. 23, 2016 at St. Benedict the Moor Parish in Dayton. The celebrant of the Mass was Bishop Joseph Binzer. Afterward there was a celebration of  fellowship and entertainment with local Catholics from the Rwandan, Nigerian, Ghanaian, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Indian Syro-Malabar, Anglo, African-American, and …

by Gail Finke Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati gave its Life Award to Joe Brinck II, who normally tries to stay behind the scenes, at its banquet this month. “I tried to keep it low-key!” Executive Director Paula Westwood said after introducing Jerry Horn, legal counsel for Priests for …

View of Cortona Italy (Courtesy Photo)
In this Year of Mercy, below are pictures from Italy as the Companions of St. James travel throughout Italy. For the pictorial tour of the Companions of St. James Archdiocese of Cincinnati Pilgrimage to Italy (Part 2), Click Here     The Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli is the …

  Dear Missionary Disciples, As our Holy Father was initiating the Holy Year of Mercy, he explained that the Church must “keep alive the desire to know how to welcome the numerous signs of the tenderness which God offers to the whole world and, above all, to those who suffer, …

In 1976 St. Teresa, Springfield, Junior High School Students held a mock election for the Presidential Election. CBS News sent a crew and covered the story. On November 2, 1976 Governor Jimmy Carter (D) of Georgia received 50.1% of the votes in the United States, defeating incumbent President Gerald R. Ford …

Two of my grandchildren saw war – real war — for the first time in August. They saw the picture of five-year-old Omran Daqneesh, sitting dazed and bloody in the back of an ambulance in Aleppo, Syria. It was published on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. His …

Bishop Emeritus Paride Taban poses with staff members from the archdiocesan Mission Office. Pictured with him from left are Mike Gable, Teresa Phillips and Melonise Knight. (Courtesy Photo)
Bishop Emeritus Paride Taban of South Sudan shared his message of peace and hope on a visit to the archdiocese in late July. During his time here, Bishop Taban visited the office of U.S. Rep. Steve Chabot, along with a delegation from the archdiocesan Catholic Social Action and Mission Offices. …

By Father David Endres Q: Has Jesus always existed or was He created at His human birth? If He always existed, is there any mention of Him in the Old Testament? Mention of His birth is clear in the Scriptures, but what about prior to His birth? A: This question …

Jacob Schmiesing, Lehman High School. (Courtesy Photo)
SIDNEY—Lehman Catholic High School Principal Denise Stauffer announced that Jacob Schmiesing, son of Dr. Greg and Chrissy Schmiesing of Sidney, has been named a Commended Student in the 2017 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from the school National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) which conducts the program, will …