Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Salesian Guild names Communicator of the Year

Michael D. Pitman, politics reporter for the Journal-News, owned by Cox Media Group Ohio, will be honored as the Salesian Guild’s Distinguished Communicator of the Year at the group’s annual dinner meeting in Cincinnati on Saturday, Jan. 28. Guest speaker for the event will be popular blogger Deacon Greg Kandra. …
Archbishop Schnurr’s World Day Peace Message

Conflict is a natural part of what it means to be human. Until God ushers in His Kingdom, we know that we will be muddling our way, creating and overcoming conflicts. The Church, for instance, will unapologetically stand up for the principles we believe in. We will witness to our …
Fr. Endres – A Question of Faith – January 2017

Q: I have heard that the number of seminarians is increasing locally and more of them are recent college graduates. Why do you think there are fewer second-career vocations and more young men applying to seminary? A: Yes, there has been an increase in seminary enrollments locally and nationally and …

Resurrection liturgy for Precious Blood Sister Carmencita Voisard was held at the Salem Heights chapel, 4960 Salem Ave., Dayton, Ohio, on Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2017. Visitation immediately preceded the liturgy. Sister died at the Maria-Joseph Center in Dayton on Sunday, Jan. 1, 2017. Carmencita, 94, had been a Sister of …
Prayer intentions of Pope Francis: January 2017

Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis for January: Christian Unity. That all Christians may be faithful to the Lord’s teaching by striving with prayer and fraternal charity to restore ecclesial communion and by collaborating to meet the challenges facing humanity.
New Year’s Resolution: Giving Back

In the song Little Drummer Boy, the boy has no gifts to bring. He’s a poor boy. However, he has the greatest gift, himself and his God given talents. As we end 2016, many participate in New Year’s Resolutions. Number one every year is losing weight and there’s a barrage …
Two Archdiocese of Cincinnati Students to march in Tournament of Roses Parade

Bishop Fenwick sophomore Andrew Adam and LaSalle Senior Jake Kroger will be marching with the Bands of America National Honor Band in the Tournament of Roses Parade on January 2, 2017 in Pasadena, California. This special opportunity was earned last spring when Andrew, as just a freshman and Jake, a …
50th World Day Peace Mass to be celebrated January 1st

The archdiocese will mark the 50th World Day of Peace Jan. 1, the Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God, with two special Masses. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr will celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains in downtown Cincinnati. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. Binzer will preside …