Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Jubilant crowd gathers in Washington for annual March for Life
IMAGE: CNS photo/Chaz Muth By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — Tens of thousands of pro-lifers filled the grounds near the Washington Monument and marched up Constitution Avenue to the U.S. Supreme Court Jan. 27 as both a protest of legalized abortion and a celebration of successful pro-life efforts across the …
De Paul Cristo Rey only Cincinnati School to receive Innovation Award

From Ohio Governor Kasich who called the Cristo Rey Model “The Coolest Thing Calling the Cristo Rey model, “the coolest thing,” Ohio Governor John Kasich honored DePaul Cristo Rey High School and the two other Ohio Cristo Rey schools with the Governor’s School Innovation Award. DePaul Cristo Rey was recognized, …
A picture says a thousand words: Catholic Central High School Students

Catholic Central High School Springfield engineering students spent an afternoon building and testing solar cars at the Westcott Solar House in Springfield.
Archbishop Schnurr: An exciting new vision for teaching catechists

My Dear Friends in Christ, I am writing to invite you to learn more about an exciting new vision for catechetical formation in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Catechesis is our encounter with the person and teachings of Jesus Christ, and the way we teach the Catholic faith in our schools …
Throwback Thursday: Blizzard of 1978

On January 26, 1978 a massive Blizzard hit the Ohio Valley. Here’s a collection of pictures from that event that closed down the Archdiocese for a day.
Auditions for The Athenaeum Chorale to be held

The Athenaeum Chorale is holding auditions for the Spring 2017 . All singers over 18 years of age are welcome to audition. Spots for all voice parts are available. The Chorale sings for approximately eight liturgical events per year, most of which occur in the Athenaeum’s Chapel of St. Gregory …
A picture says a thousand words: Mercy Admission with Distinction Dinner

Mother of Mercy High School welcomed eighth graders to their Admission with Distinction Dinner on January 23, 2017.
UD Students Spark Vocation Conversations on Campus

Discerning vocation can be a daunting task, but the University of Dayton’s senior Chaminade Scholar Honor students met this challenge head-on in by hosting The Art of Being: What Does Vocation Really Mean? Through a vast array of interactive experiences within the conference, senior Chaminade Scholars demonstrated how faith, reason …