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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Transfiguration Center for Spiritual Renewal 3505 Calumet Rd., Ludlow Falls, 45339 Along the Stillwater River, you find the Transfiguration Center for Spiritual Renewal. This property boasts entities that include the Transfiguration Center for Spiritual Renewal, Elijah House, Melchizedek Village, Tabor Lodge for Priests and the River Ridge Nature Preserve. …

1) New College Credit Program at SUA The Carl H. Lindner College of Business and Saint Ursula Academy (SUA) have formed a new initiative to supply SUA students with college-level coursework in entrepreneurship and the opportunity to earn College Credit Plus (CCP) credits. The RDI Entrepreneurship Program will be offered …

The Spiritual Center of Maria Stein & Montezuma 2365 St. Johns Rd., Maria Stein, 45860 6731 OH-219, Celina, 45822 | Established in 1962, the The Spiritual Center in Maria Stein traces its roots to the Sisters of the Precious Blood. Five years ago, the Retreat House expanded, adding the …

In the mind of God, our Creator, we are each unique and unrepeatable creations. We are made in His image and likeness, of course, but each person has differing degrees of intelligence, methods of learning, gifts and creative ways of expression. It is no wonder, then, that our paths to …

Did you know St. Ann Church, Hamilton, was in grave danger of being closed after just five years as a parish, when its construction debt was two years in arrears and amounted to a whopping $350 (almost $10,400 today) per parishioner? 1908 St. Ann organized as a mission of St. …

By Matt Hadro Washington D.C., Mar 8, 2019 / 12:25 am (CNA).- With the Lenten season here, Catholics immerse themselves in 40 days of abstaining from sweets, technology, alcohol and other luxuries. But did you know that Catholic monks once brewed beer specifically for a liquid-only Lenten fast? Back in …

In his homily for the opening of the 13th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Pope Benedict XVI said, “The Church exists to evangelize. Faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ’s command, his disciples went out to the whole world to announce the Good News, spreading Christian communities everywhere” …

When my husband and I started a family, I was hopeful we could live differently from the status quo, more reflective of love and peace. There will always be work, laundry, dinnertime and taking care of each other; but it’s easy to lose sight of the point in these routine …