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The Catholic Telegraph
The Catholic Telegraph needs YOUR help!

To Catholic Telegraph readers: A survey is being conducted on behalf of charitable groups in the archdiocese. The survey is being conducted in conjunction with Xavier University to try to understand how people volunteer and/or donate to non-profit organizations. Your answers will be greatly appreciated as there has been a …
A picture says a thousand words: St. Maximilian Children’s Choir

On Saturday, March 4th, 14 students from St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Liberty Township, Children’s Choir participated in the Southwest Ohio Chapter of Chorister’s Guild’s 31st Annual ChoralFest, at Sycamore Presbyterian.
St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic School Opening Pre-Kindergarten Program for 2017-2018

Kenwood, OH – New for the 2017-2018 school year, St. Vincent Ferrer School is offering a full-day Pre-Kindergarten class open to all families. “The expansion is a result of continued growth in the school’s traditional K-8 program”, says Principal Kim Roy. “Parents are seeking high-quality early childhood education leading to …
St. Ignatius student Kyle Goertemoeller National Geographic State Bee Semifinalist

Kyle Goertemoeller, a student at St. Ignatius School in Monfort Heights, was notified by the National Geographic Society that he is one of the semifinalists eligible to compete in the 2017 Ohio National Geographic State Bee. The contest will be held at The Fawcett Center in Columbus on Friday, March …
Celebration marks 40 years for St. Columban School principal

By: Chuck Gibson, Contributor Catholics throughout the nation celebrated Catholic Schools Week January 29-February 4. St. Columban School in Loveland, Ohio began the celebration with an Open House with classroom tours, displays, and a karaoke Café featuring students singing. “It was great,” said Rev. Larry Tensi, pastor of St. Columban …
A picture says a thousand words: some champions from around the Archdiocese

Here’s a few Champions or teams that have advanced as the winter sports season comes to a conclusion.
Body and Soul: Faith directs steps of JTM President/CEO

“The greatest gift we’ve got in life is being Catholic.” Tony Maas begins every day with an hour of reflecting on Scripture readings, journaling and asking our Lord to direct his steps. Maas is president and chief executive officer of JTM Food Group in Harrison. The company earned $165 million …
A picture says a thousand words: McNicholas Students giving back

A group of Archbishop McNicholas High School seniors returned from the spring Appalachia trip to Grainger County, Tennessee, site of the Glenmary Home Missioners Group Volunteer Program (, after a week of service and community-building.
Part of the DaytonHoopla surrounding the NCAA Tournament: Chaminade Julienne STEM

This weekend there are several events in the Dayton Area surrounding The NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament to start on Tuesday March 14th. Are you ready to shoot some hoops and want to learn something new? Is tinkering, building and creating something awesome your thing? Then there’s an event just for …
Rite of Election: Our Lady of The Immaculate Conception Dayton

The Rite of Election closes the Period of the Catechumenate. This rite was held at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Church in Dayton, and St. Peter in Chains Cathedral on Sunday, March 5, 2017. At this rite, upon the testimony of sponsors and catechists and the catechumens’ affirmation of …