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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

1st Place Team Wins Trip to New York City Liberty Township, OH (April 26, 2017) –Two of Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School’s (MTCES) Stock Market Game teams won first and second place among all middle school teams in the state of Ohio. The Stock Market Game is a year-long competition …

Below is text from the inaugural address given by Eric F. Spina, 19th president of the University of Dayton, during his installation ceremony April 4, 2017. Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you all for being here. Your presence and support mean more to me than you can know. I thank …

Brent Ogburn, Director of Business Development for Grunder Landscape Co., planned the indoor garden at UD’s Marian Library around plants that would be available from local nurseries and in bloom during the exhibit dates. Taken from the writings of John Stokes, Jr., who popularized the idea of Mary Gardens, all …

St. Francis de Sales in Lebanon hosted a gathering for young women who are discerning a call to the consecrated life on April 26th. Archbishop Dennis Schnurr was in attendance to meet young women discerning one of the varied Consecrated Life options present in the Archdiocese. Here are some photos …

Editors Note: In the May 2017 Print Edition of The Catholic Telegraph, Body and Soul on page 24 featured a story on Donna Marie Cooper. Below is her featured recipe: Ingredients: nonstick spray 1 baguette, cut into 20 one inch slices (you can use a wholegrain bread for extra nutrition …

As St. Stephen Parish in Cincinnati’s Columbia Tusculum neighborhood celebrates 15 decades of serving the area’s Catholics, the congregation is as focused on the future as on looking at the past. “There are more than 200 families now and we are beginning to grow,” said Mike Keating, life-long parishioner and …

Oratory Father Mario Aviles (reading) with some of the concelebrating priests, Deacon Duy Nguyen, and servers. Left to right: Father John-Paul Bevak of Old St. Mary’s; Father Felix Selden, representing Rome; Archbishop Dennis Schnurr; Fathers Adrian Hilton and Lawrnce Juarez of Old St. Mary’s; and homilist Msgr. Frank Lane. (CT Photo/Gail Finke)
On April 25, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated the establishment Mass for the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Cincinnati, based at Old St. Mary’s Church in Over-the-Rhine. Known for splendid liturgies, the Oratory welcomed the archbishop, representatives from Rome, and supporters with new Officially approved by Pope Francis earlier …

Pat Goedde, a 1991 La Salle alum and the top assistant and JV Head Coach for the Lancers, has been named the 4th Head Varsity Basketball Coach in the 56 year history of La Salle High School, Director of Athletics Keith Pantling announced on Tuesday. “After hours of conversations with …

By Gail Finke “There are people in our lives who need to receive the mercy of God,” Father Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh said Sunday at St. Bartholomew Church in Finneytown. “They need to receive it from us. But it may be that we need to receive it from them. Today is the …

Reverend James R. Brooks died on April 22, 2017. He was born on October 11, 1977 in Dayton, Ohio. He studied Classical Humanities at the Legion of Christ College of Humanities and Novitiate in Cheshire, Connecticut. He received a Licentiate Degree in Philosophy and Moral Theology from the Ateneo Pontificio …