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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Elias Mwesigye was in for a shock when he found his long-lost benefactors. As a student in Uganda, Mwesigye received a tuition sponsorship from a U.S. couple, “Dave and Joanne,” via a children’s fund. He and the couple exchanged letters through fund managers, so he never had their direct address …

Theology on Tap is a lecture and discussion series for people in their 20’s and 30’s, single or married. It is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and local parishes. They meet in a local bar or restaurant for food, drink and lively discussion about Catholic faith. It’s a chance …

By Father David Endres Q: I received the Eucharist under both forms – the host and from the chalice – for the first time recently and I felt Christ in my heart as never before. I thought it was because I was receiving the Precious Blood and not just the …

Abide, a great opportunity for high school students, is coming to Cincinnati on June 14th through June 18th at Mount Saint Joseph University. Abide is unique! A typical teen conference lasts three days (at most). Abide is five days. Teens are not only taught about who Jesus is, they live …

Ursuline Academy students spent spring break volunteering at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Standing, left to right, Ms. Vicki Zaya, Savannah Steinkamp ‘20, Anna Kofron ‘17, Mary Kaleta ‘18, Jessica Henn ‘18, Christine Henn ‘18, Trisha Leyda ‘19. Sitting, left to right: Ms. Kara Sheldon, Rebecca Specht ‘20, Alexis Olmsted ‘18, Carolyn Haney ‘18, Olivia Van Pee ‘19, Julianna Hudak ‘19, Sarah Kaleta ‘20, Haley Enslein ’20, another Re-member volunteer. (Courtesy Photo)
Cincinnati, OH – April 27, 2017:  Thirteen Ursuline Academy students spent their spring break in service to others at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. They were accompanied by Ursuline faculty members Ms. Kara Sheldon and Ms. Vicki Zaya, the group spent a week in April doing outreach …

April 29, 2017 – On a stormy morning which brought flooding, trees and power lines down throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, four men along with a full crowd at The Cathedral of Saint Peter in Chains gathered for the Ordination of Deacons. The men ordained were Craig Edward Best from …

The Cincinnati Catholic Cemetery Society operates three picturesque, historic cemeteries that provide for the needs of today’s Catholics as they preserve the memories of generations. As well as assuring that the bodies or cremated remains of loved one’s rest in consecrated ground, they are maintained as beautiful, tranquil places steeped …

Sister Rose Martin Morand A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Rose Martin Morand was celebrated March 27 in the motherhouse chapel. Sister Rose Martin, 80, died March 18. She was a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati 62 years. A native of Cincinnati, Sister Rose Martin …

Pope Francis’s prayer intention for May Christians in Africa: That Christians in Africa, in imitation of the Merciful Jesus, may give prophetic witness to reconciliation, justice, and peace.

My Mary garden is in an enclosed bed along the back wall of my garage, and is in full sun. The brick wall makes a nice backdrop but gets too hot for my original plan, which was to grow annual Morning Glories up twine staked to hooks in the wall …