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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Have you ever dropped out or given up? Do you have piles of uncompleted projects? “Never, never, never give up,” said Winston Churchill after the London blitz. “Move forward, at all cost, move forward,” said Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain at the battle of Gettysburg. “I have fought the good fight. I …

Pope Francis talks with the Rev. Martin Junge, general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation, during an ecumenical event at the Malmo Arena in Malmo, Sweden, Oct. 31. Also pictured is Bishop Munib Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, president of the Lutheran World Federation, left. The event opened a year marking the 2017 commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Lapsed Christians That our brothers and sisters who have strayed from the faith, through our prayer and witness to the Gospel, may rediscover the merciful closeness of the Lord and the beauty of the Christian life.

When you hear these words, Brent Spence Bridge, you immediately tense up. We’ve arrived at summer and the orange barrels have blossomed throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. They make ones live miserable. Seen on Interstate 75 Saturday: I-71 at Ohio River 85 minutes. (16 miles away). There’s a way to …

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Father Martin Smith-Soucier, Chief Chaplain at Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center of Cincinnati, Ohio, and President of the National Conference of Veterans Affairs Catholic Chaplains (NCVACC), died June 19th at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati with his family and dear friends at his side. He was 69 …

MARIA STEIN, Ohio (June 28, 2017) – A prayer service specifically for married couples will take place at Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics Sunday evening, July 23 at 7 p.m.. The night will include dinner and prayer together. Father Sean Wilson will lead a talk on holiness and …

Committed to preserving Catholic news for both current researchers and future scholars, the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA) has undertaken a project to digitize the United States’ top Catholic newspapers of regional and national importance, including The Catholic Telegraph. “Creating a Catholic news archive and digital aggregation for Catholic newspapers …

Celebrating 60 years of Priesthood on the left Rev. John E. Wall, and on the right Rev. John E. Wall (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at the Anniversary Dinner during the Priests Convocation, The Archdiocese of Cincinnati honored the Classes of 1957, 1967, 1977 and 1992. 60 Years – Class of 1957 Rev. Edward J. Shine Rev. John E. Wall In remembrance: Norbert L. Braun John L. Cavanaugh Paul W. …

Sister Jeanette DeBrosse A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Jeanette DeBrosse was celebrated May 31 at Mount Notre Dame Health Center. Sister Jeanette, 89, died May 24. She was a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur for 71 years. A Dayton native, Sister Jeanette …

Father Thomas Dorn appointed Pastor of Holy Redeemer, New Bremen, effective July 1 Father Jason Bedel appointed Pastor of St. Margaret of York, Twenty Mile Stand, effective July 1 Father Adam Puntel appointed Pastor of St. Mary Queen of Heaven, Peebles, and Holy Trinity, West Union, effective July 1 Father …

CINCINNATI – June 28, 2017 – Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio Annual Report details how the agency served 120,000 people across 11 counties last year. This is almost a 31% increase from the prior year in people assisted by the agency. “We celebrated the Jubilee Year of Mercy by expanding our …