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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr with priests, servers, and Knights of Columbus Honor Guard (Courtesy Photo)
Shortly after the Civil War, things were booming around the Village of Coldwater, Ohio, in Mercer County, where mostly German immigrants were farming, felling timber and watching the Iron Horse come to connect them to Dayton and other large commercial hubs. in 1867, three Catholic Coldwater families approached Father Jacob …

Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus from Ohio District Two paraded on the Dayton Dragons baseball field on “Knights Night” at a Dragons game in July. According to St. Christopher (Vandalia) parishioner Patrick Shay, this now-annual event is a group function for all area Knights of Columbus — several hundred of whom …

A relic of St. Ann is displayed in a cross-shaped reliquary. (Courtesy Photo)
St. Ann parish in Groesbeck celebrated the end of its annual St. Ann Novena with Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph R. Binzer, followed by a parish cookout. Each year the parish celebrates its patronal feast day with nine days of special Masses, Eucharistic Adoration, and other liturgies, as well as …

By John Stegeman Glenmary Home Missioners Glenmary Father John S. Rausch appeared on CNN Aug. 1 as part of a climate change town hall event with former United States Vice President Al Gore. After being introduced by host Anderson Cooper, Father Rausch said his experience as a priest in Appalachia …

Q: I am making my final arrangements and have been trying you decide between traditional burial and cremation. I have some concerns about cremation from a religious point of view, although it is the best financial option. Does the Church have a preference between burial and cremation? A: The Church …

Four members of the Celtic Academy of Irish Dance. (CT Photo/Gail Finke)
Father David Byrne, a priest of the Diocese of Niagara, Canada, celebrated Mass on Sunday morning July 30 for attendees of Dayton’s annual Celtic Festival, the largest free Celtic music festival in the country. Now held at Dayton’s RiverScape Metropark, the three-day festival presents Irish and Celtic music in a …

Father Richard Klug A Mass of Christian Burial for Father Richard Klug was celebrated June 23 at Annunciation Parish in Clifton. Father Klug, 90, died June 15. A Cheviot native, Father Klug attended St. Gregory Seminary and received a licentiate in sacred theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. …

Pope Francis holds dove before his weekly audience at the Vatican
Pope Francis’s prayer intentions for August: Artists That artists of our time, through their ingenuity, may help everyone discover the beauty of creation.

Local Children of Mary Sisters meet others waiting for the Eucharistic procession to begin (CT Photo/Gail Finke)
In early July, The Archdiocese of Cincinnati had a large number of leaders attend the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Catholic Convocation of Leaders. Our own Gail Finke was in Orlando for this historic event. Here’s the convocation in pictures: For more photos, see the photo gallery on our …

Receiving the 2017 Century Farm Awards (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying “Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.” Every summer, Catholic Rural Life of the St. Marys and Sidney Deaneries hold the Rural-Urban Mass with Catholic Century Farm Recognitions. Usually the Mass …