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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Archdiocese staff visits unique parish school for friends at SMOY Holy Family is the only school of its kind in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. There are other Catholic schools, but this one is for students who can’t a ord to pay. Just a block away from the local public …

St. Matthias the Apostle parish celebrates growth, change As a young wife and expectant mother Judie Mohr moved to Forest Park in 1967 with her husband, Charlie, where the couple became charter members of St. Matthias Parish. They are still active parishioners today, and, said Mohr, the past 50 years …

Chaminade Julienne High School held a prayer rally Monday, October 2 to celebrate the Society of Mary’s bicentennial. “The Marianist Bicentennial celebration has been going on for the last two years,” said Jama Badinghaus, a counselor at the Dayton Marianist school. CJ’s Mission Team was asked to schedule an event at 2 …

By Gail Finke Courage, a ministry for people who have same-sex attractions, will hold a day-long retreat on Oct. 28 to reach out to potential members, and in hopes of beginning a related ministry for families. Founded in New York in 1980 to help Catholics live in accordance with the …

By Gail Finke Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr commissioned this year’s NET missionaries, who work with youth in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, at a morning Mass at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains Thursday, Sept. 27. NET central staff and most of the archdiocese’s central office staff who work with …

  Our print edition said that the new site for the annual Dayton rally is Immaculate Conception Chapel at the University of Dayton. The site is Immaculate Conception CHURCH in Dayton. We apologize for the error. On October 8, a ring of roses will circle a statue of the Virgin …

Sister Mary Rose McCrate A Mass of Christian Burial for Precious Blood Sister Mary Rose McCrate was celebrated Aug. 24 at Salem Heights Chapel in Dayton. Sister Mary Rose, 81, died Aug. 21. She had been a Sister of the Precious Blood for 64 years. A Dayton native, she formally …

New young adult group shines spotlight on Catholic Social Services There’s a new “shine” in the Gem City. Shine Dayton is a new group of young professionals dedicated to raising awareness among their peers of the good works offered and performed by Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley (CSSMV). …

Pope Francis’s prayer intentions for October: Workers and the Unemployed That all workers may receive respect and protection of their rights, and that the unemployed may receive the opportunity to contribute to the common good.

by Gail Finke When the streetlight went dark before the end of the one-hour rally marking the opening of 40 Days for Life Cincinnati fall campaign, organizers passed out a few candles and continued in the darkness. 40 Days for Life co-founder and national president Shawn Carney joined more than …