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The Catholic Telegraph
We are people working for salvation

Labor Day has just passed and as the nation celebrated the end of summer and the joys and glory of working, a cherished memory came. Dad went to a car dealership in 1959 and came home with a 1957 red Lincoln Premier two-door coupe. It displayed all of the excesses …
Theology on Tap busts myth that science and religion are opposed

“What’s going on?” a white-haired man asked, after making his way back through a long, narrow pub in Cincinnati’s Northside neighborhood. He was one of several curious patrons who made their way past the bar and the pool room and spillover space to a stage and event room crowded with young …
Badin will reestablish affiliation with Sisters of Notre Dame at Oct. 18 Mass

Badin High School’s annual Heritage Mass will come with an important addition on Wednesday, Oct. 18. The only Catholic high school in Butler County is set to officially announce its re-affiliation with the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, which previously ran Notre Dame High School in Hamilton from 1886-1966. …
Throwback Thursday: On the eve of the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima

Fatima- 100 Years ago in this small village in Portugal, The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared six times to three young children; when in the same continent World War I was consuming life and land; Portugal was in political chaos, refugees were pouring into Europe. A week ago 134 pilgrims from …
When disaster and devastation strikes: A 1 minute video of our Brothers and Sisters in Puerto Rico

Though it’s been several weeks since devastating hurricanes swept through the United States, and the Caribbean, our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico face a harrowing road to recovery. Here’s a minute video from Catholic News Service.
Special Fatima Events this Weekend

A variety of events for the final day of the Fatima Centennial are scheduled around the archdiocese on Friday (the 100th anniversary of the final apparition) and Saturday. Here are those we know about: FRIDAY: 8 a.m.: Worldwide Eucharistic Children’s Holy Hour Parishes and schools around the world will participate in the …
Meet Sister Mary Kelley Rush, SND

Interview: Sister Mary Kelley Rush, SND Q: Why did you decide to pursue a vocation as a woman religious with the Sisters of Notre Dame? Sr. Kelley: I decided to pursue a vocation with the Sisters of Notre Dame because I became keenly aware that God was calling me to …
a pilgrim reflects on Fatima

Our own Greg Hartman is on pilgrimage with Bishop Binzer and 134 people from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, stopping at Marian shrines with the ultimate destination of Fatima for the 100th anniversary of the end of the apparitions there. Here is his Oct. 4 report from Fatima: Today the pilgrims …
Free Reformation lecture series continues Tuesday at St. Gertrude

St. Gertrude parish and priory will present “Who Reads the Bible?” the second in its series of talks on the Reformation, Tuesday at 7 pm. “Martin Luther’s approach to reading the Bible is what is supposed to have touched off the Reformation 500 years ago,” said Dominican Father Clement Dickie, …
Senators introduce 20-week abortion ban

US Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) introduced a version of a “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” that would restrict most abortions after the 20th week of gestation yesterday. In a press conference broadcast on YouTube, he said, “I assure every pro-lifer out there that it will be on the [Senate] floor …