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The Catholic Telegraph
Special Fatima Events this Weekend
A variety of events for the final day of the Fatima Centennial are scheduled around the archdiocese on Friday (the 100th anniversary of the final apparition) and Saturday. Here are those we know about: FRIDAY: 8 a.m.: Worldwide Eucharistic Children’s Holy Hour Parishes and schools around the world will participate in the …
Meet Sister Mary Kelley Rush, SND
Interview: Sister Mary Kelley Rush, SND Q: Why did you decide to pursue a vocation as a woman religious with the Sisters of Notre Dame? Sr. Kelley: I decided to pursue a vocation with the Sisters of Notre Dame because I became keenly aware that God was calling me to …
a pilgrim reflects on Fatima
Our own Greg Hartman is on pilgrimage with Bishop Binzer and 134 people from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, stopping at Marian shrines with the ultimate destination of Fatima for the 100th anniversary of the end of the apparitions there. Here is his Oct. 4 report from Fatima: Today the pilgrims …
Free Reformation lecture series continues Tuesday at St. Gertrude
St. Gertrude parish and priory will present “Who Reads the Bible?” the second in its series of talks on the Reformation, Tuesday at 7 pm. “Martin Luther’s approach to reading the Bible is what is supposed to have touched off the Reformation 500 years ago,” said Dominican Father Clement Dickie, …
Senators introduce 20-week abortion ban
US Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) introduced a version of a “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” that would restrict most abortions after the 20th week of gestation yesterday. In a press conference broadcast on YouTube, he said, “I assure every pro-lifer out there that it will be on the [Senate] floor …
Shrine at Immaculate Conception Vandalized
By Gail Finke The statues can’t be repaired, but Christ’s love can’t be harmed, said Father Satish Joseph, pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Dayton. Long before dawn on Wednesday, two people visited the parish’s Shrine of Our Lady of Belmont – twice. They didn’t come to pray, but …
Mission special on parish twinning: Cincinnati and Madagascar
“This is seeing the body of Christ in a completely different fashion” By Walt Schaefer In 1999, Divine Providence Sister Francis Maag, visited Madagascar as a representative of her religious community. She returned with a dream. A long-time school principal, Sister Francis was then director of religious education at St. …
Roger Bacon staffers rappel down Cincinnati office building for Aubrey Rose Foundation
After raising nearly $3,000, Franciscan friar and theology teacher Father Roger Lopez and admissions staffer Alyssa Flading rappelled down a 26-story Cincinnati building as part of the “Rappel for a Reason” event sponsored by the Aubrey Rose Foundation. A new charity event for the organization that raises money for medically …
Glenmary sends two off to mission – at home
Mission bell rings for traditional Glenmary sendoff By John Stegeman The clanging of a mission bell echoed over the hills of Glenmary Home Missioners Headquarters in Cincinnati Aug. 25 as two novices left to begin the mission-placement portion of their novitiate year. Matt Solarz, a priesthood candidate from North Olmstead, …
just one festival this weekend – taste of mission
Festival season is winding down in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, where only ONE festival is scheduled for the month of October – Taste of Mission at the Comboni Mission Center in Anderson Township. The Comboni Missionaries are celebration 150 years of mission, so expect extra festivities at this year’s festival, a …