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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

70 Years Sister Shirley (Joyce Edward) Thielk, OP, was born in Detroit and graduated from St. Ambrose High School in June 1947. Later that month she entered the Adrian Dominican Congregation. She professed her first vows on December 31, 1948 and her final vows on December 31, 1953. Sister Shirley …

By Gail Finke Bill Sockey has seen thousands of churches and schools in his nine years as custodian of the National Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, but St. Anthony of Padua Maronite Catholic Church in Walnut Hills might have been his first Maronite parish. “I’ve been to some Byzantine …

(from our print edition) After the first in a four-part series on the Catholic Church and the Reformation at St. Gertrude Church in Madeira, the parish had to find a bigger room. So many came to hear Dominican Father Gabriel Toretta (above) talk about the differences between the Catholic and …

Sister Eileen Connelly meeting new friends in Chennai India. (Courtesy Photo)
The people and saints of Karala Editor’s Note: In July, a small contingent from the archdiocese traveled to southern India to listen and learn about the lives and faith of our brothers and sisters a world away. In the second of a three-part series of articles, Sister Eileen Connelly, CT …

My Dear Friends in Christ, On November 19, the Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, Pope Francis is instituting a new tradition for our Church: a World Day of the Poor.  In his inaugural message for this occasion, the Holy Father announced, “This new World Day should become a powerful appeal …

Pope Francis’s prayer intentions for November: Christians in Asia That Christians in Asia, bearing witness to the Gospel in word and deed, may promote dialogue, peace, and mutual understanding, especially with those of other religions.

Sister Rose Virginia Brown A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Rose Virginia Brown was celebrated Sept. 22 in the motherhouse chapel. Sister Rose Virginia, 95, died Sept. 12. She was a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati for 75 years. A native of Sidney, Sister Rose …

Dayton’s St. Mary Church celebrated the centennial of Our Lady of Fatima’s final apparition and the Miracle of the Sun with an evening Mass preceded by a procession around the church with a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. The Mass was in Spanish and English, because the parish is …

Q: The Catechism defines hell as “eternal separation from God” (1035). However, it says that at the last judgment “before [Jesus] will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another. . .  And [some] will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” …